Three months ago, Hinduist activists videotaped pastor Sultan Masih as they accused him of paying people to convert to Christianity. Family receives support of police and government.
The deepening partisan ideological divide in all sectors of US society will mean that governance will most likely lurch from one extreme to another. This will have major ramifications for the church and mission.
Around 300 representatives participated in the annual Baptist World Alliance gathering in Thailand. The Venezuela humanitarian crisis and the needs of refugees were also highlighted.
We should not turn back in the face of seemingly impossible difficulty. God takes charge of solving impossible problems.
In Wittenberg, the WCRC signed the Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification (1999).
The government often uses this accusation against converts instead of the charge of apostasy, in an attempt to avoid international scrutiny.
2.1 billion people of world’s population has little or no Gospel access. Christ-followers should be outraged by this spiritual injustice.
A video by Open Doors UK & Ireland explains to children what it means to be a refugee.
The US withdrawal will make climate change solutions more difficult, and climate catastrophe more likely. The decision is unjust, immoral and unworthy of a great nation.
A letter distributed on social media asks for the “attacks against the church” to stop. Twenty-five buildings are set to be demolished, but Christians in the country are “very resilient”, a source says.
One minor was held for 25 days, another is still in custody, along with five adult volunteers.
One third of the world now faces seasons of extreme heat. “For heat waves, our options are now between bad or terrible”, study says.
Over 80% of asylum seekers have smartphones. A Trans World Radio app offers over 300 audio programs to “address trauma and other difficulties refugees face in Europe.”
Imagine having to choose between facing death in a war-torn country, or escaping and leaving loved ones behind.
Churches and Christians are called to participate in the Refugee Sunday on June 25. The EEA has joined 18 other NGOs to oppose the current EU discourse on migrations.
A number of Muslim groups are actively seeking a Caliphate, although their conceptions of it differ. These groups include Al-Qa’ida, Daesh (IS), Hizb ut Tahrir, and the Muslim Brotherhood.
“The image of Christians as a persecuted minority is not completely right”, says Egypt’s Bible Society Director Ramez Atallah in an interview with Evangelical Focus. He analyses the coexistence with Muslims and the role of the evangelical community.
Political and religious leaders heavily criticise the decision. France, Germany and Italy reject Trump’s assertion that the climate deal can be redrafted.
The initiative led by evangelicals was held simultaneously in 210 cities of the country. “People from very diverse ideological backgrounds came to pray here. What unites us is our love for Christ.”
Honor and shame are prominent in Majority World cultures, where these moral values form the ‘operating system’ of everyday life. People avoid disgrace and seek status in the eyes of the community.
The Refugee Campaign offers prayer materials, advocacy resources and a Sunday service order to pray and engage with refugees on 18 and 25 June.
The European Jewish Congress says it is “the greatest assault on Jewish religious rights in Belgium since the Nazi occupation.” Denmark and Switzerland already prohibit this kind of slaughter.
People in France, Spain, Germany, Italy and Sweden are more interested in “spirituality” than in “religion”. A global survey shows that China and Indonesia have a great interest in religion.
We spoke with Protestant Christians who had had their electricity and water cut off, who had been removed from the local population registers, whose children had been prevented from attending school.
About 20 men arrived at the school with knives and other weapons and began to beat the women. Members of a nearby church tried to defend them.
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