“Floyd was a person of peace, that helped the gospel go forward”, said pastor Patrick Ngwolo, who had worked with Floyd.
Efraim Tendero will end his task in front of the World Evangelical Alliance in early 2021, after six years of service.
“Collins has demonstrated how religious faith can motivate rigorous scientific research”, the John Templeton Foundation has said. Francis Collins: “The person of Jesus emerged as the most profound truth-teller I had ever encountered”.
“Banks and governments do not have to keep money back, but to be proactive and stimulate the market”, says the director of the World Evangelical Alliance Business Coalition.
“This is an attempt to offer an holistic view of how Christian practice and the coronavirus are connected”, says Jason Mandryk, the author of Operation World.
“Bringing people together, focusing on relationships. That could change the economy very much”, says the head of the Business Coalition of the WEA, Timo Plutschinski.
“God has created an interdependent world within which humans have a responsibility to use the gifts and resources contained in the natural world wisely, cautiously and sustainably”.
When we want everything to finish quickly, it's because we are afraid of losing our victory in the last moments.
As evangelicals in Europe, we need intentionally to integrate media engagement in our discipleship and mission strategies and practices.
It is the second time in less than a month that Cuban State Security operatives 'visit' Evangelical Focus contributor Yoé Suárez. Christian Solidarity Worldwide denounces the harassment of the journalist and his family.
The 2020 World Press Freedom Index shows that “China censored their major coronavirus outbreaks extensively”. Norway is at the top and North Korea becomes the most dangerous country for journalists.
The proposal of two French doctors to use Africa to test coronavirus vaccines has sparked controversy. “It is not compatible with the biblical criteria of human dignity”, French evangelicals say.
“The Holy Week in Lockdown” is a devotional series following the Gospel of John from chapter 12 to 20. It has been developed by the World Evangelical Alliance.
The cases of using coronavirus as a pretext for arresting evangelical leaders have grown amid the Himalayan lockdown.
Facing the closing of borders and the cancellation of projects, Christian missionaries say they are ready to continue their work wherever necessary.
Yoe Suárez was summoned to Siboney Police Station in Havana, where he was interrogated by police and threatened with imprisonment and unspecified “repercussions” for his family.
Millions face a ‘double crisis’ as the Covid-19 epidemic grows. “Migrant workers are walking hundreds of kilometres desperated to reach their home villages”, says an evangelical pastor. “Thousands of Christian doctors, nurses and paramedics are serving in the frontline”.
Churches are aware that the continent is one of the least prepared regions from a sanitary standpoint. Christians maintain an attitude of prayer and service while they work alongside the authorities.
In recent riots at the Coronda and Las Flores prisons, five inmates died, pavilions were taken, and the pharmacies looted. Christian inmates worked to be peacemakers.
The World Evangelical Alliance has designated Sunday 29th March. Many national movements are sharing prayer guides, creative initiatives and calls to action.
The Chinese Christian Church in Spain closely follows the religious freedom changes happening in its home country. “The government wants all evangelical churches to be subject to the organisation of the Three Autonomies”.
The Presidents of Paraguay, El Salvador and Guatemala call believers to ask for God’s protection. Christians react to mockery on social media: “We are not ashamed of saying that our trust is in God”.
Is there a way for us to talk about Christian eschatology that both acknowledges brokenness and affirms goodness?
The last decade has seen a worsening of the working conditions which affect “family relationships”, says Jonathan Tame. The near future will probably be shaped by the ‘gig economy’ and the re-balancing of global capitalism.
Africa has become “an easy prey, because of its vulnerability and the abiding Western interest in the region”, says the Secretary General of the Association of Evangelicals in Africa (AEA).
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