We renew our mind when we get rid of all the rubbish that the world wants to feed us with, and we fill it with the Word of God.
The preacher is not a reporter of facts found during their research. He is called to speak to the listeners from God’s Word.
No matter how clever you are, what you can make it say is not as good as what God made it say.
The Bible is unique. God took it upon Himself to teach the world that His Word is not just another book.
What Old Testament prophets would say if they travelled through time and visited our churches today? What would they say to preachers?
It is not enough to become informed in preparation for preaching. That truth needs to soak into our lives and bring about some level of transformation.
Preaching is not simply study a passage, write a message and deliver it. We need to be meticulous in our study, but selective in our sermon.
Fear is a feature of life in this fallen world. Fear Jesus, for he is more powerful and significant than any evil.
Too many of us who know God and the truth of His Word are too distracted by the communications of this world to really soak in God’s Word.
People need to have more exposure to God’s self-revelation in the Bible, not less.
The president of the French Evangelical Alliance, Christian Blanc, spent one month in the hospital infected with the coronavirus. “We must incarnate the gospel by being closer to the poor and the sick”.
Is the present pandemic simply God’s judgment to punish evil? Or does it, on the other hand, have nothing to do with God, because He can only show love?
For all who trust in Christ, there is real and eternal hope. In the storm, at some point, He will reveal his true glory to us.
As pastors, ministers, church leaders and preachers, we need to be very confident in God’s Word as we plunge into a global crisis.
Prevention is key but panic and fear are irrational feelings that only lead to impulse-driven decisions.
The WEA has launched the project AD 2020 Global Year of the Bible “to highlight the Bible as the enduring foundation for unity, freedom, development and quality of life today and for the years to come”.
In the Bible, often the word “listen” is synonymous with “obey”.
Pray and thank God that you own a Bible; millions of people throughout the world aren't so fortunate.
Remembering R.C. and the Chicago Statement.
To be a good theologian is to seek to know and rely upon the Word of God better. It is to be a faithful Christian.
A closer look at what the German Reformer thought about the Word.
Workshops, seminars and awards were given during the annual meeting of the Alliance of Spanish Evangelical Writers and Communicators. Christians were challenged to connect contemporary culture with the gospel message.
Seven theological differences between Martyn Lloyd-Jones and Karl Barth.
An interview with Dr. R. Scott Clark.
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