Last week it was the Dutch. This week it will be the Brits. Honouring their kings, that is.
Modern and post-modern perspectives held by (often) biblically-illiterate and spiritually tone-deaf art critics and curators ignore the gospel message of Rembrandt and Van Gogh.
The cross became a symbol of healing, hope and resurrection for Europeans from east to west.
Europeans are mostly oblivious of the roots of the freedoms we enjoy, unaware of how much their foundations have already been undermined.
In 1972, a thousand young people from around the world joined YWAM’s first Olympic Games Outreach in Munich, with many continuing on into longer-term missions.
The song The Servant King is about the radical revelation of a God who came, ‘not be served but to serve’; and who calls us to do the same.
What role can faith communities in Europe today play in recovering foundations for sustainable, just and flourishing societies?
The cross, a gruesome execution instrument transformed into a symbol of hope, healing and hospitality, is still seen everywhere across Europe.
When we forget the creation narrative in which God affirmed the goodness of the climax of his handiwork, the human body, we struggle to tell the world a better story.
In Ukraine the New Year celebration has always been more important than Christmas. This year is different, more people are focusing on Christmas and its meaning.
As we focus on the mind-stretching story of the Creator entering into his creation as a human infant, let’s worship him with heart, head and hands this Christmas.
Ukrainian villagers were glad to get food but also prepared to stand in the snow and cold wind to listen to the team share the gospel.
In the western world, especially Europe, such professions of faith by players from all continents challenge lingering views of Christianity as a waning white man’s faith condemned to the margins of history.
Charles Malik helped shape the post-war international order based on respect for human rights. His Christian faith guided his global stateman’s career.
What is our mission task in a Europe which is paradoxically the continent most shaped by the Bible and by the rejection of the Bible?
Religion is necessarily soteriological, meaning it is about the regeneration of individuals and the restoration of all that was lost through the fall.
What Kuyper calls ‘Calvinism’ is an all-embracing bible-based worldview explaining the sovereignty of God over every aspect of life and creation.
The unholy alliance of the Russian church and state is a lesson for Christian nationalists everywhere.
The ground and the goal of our hope is in the Tri-une God, who never changes no matter how much our circumstances change.
Putin views his predecessor as the architect of the disintegration of the Soviet Union. He denied the former Soviet leader the national day of mourning and grand state funeral.
Who knows how we might view the outcome of Putin’s ‘special operation’ when the dust finally settles?
Ships are part of YWAM’s story. Today the fleet has grown to twenty eight vessels operating on all oceans and continents.
Albania is expected to start accession talks concerning full EU membershis immediately, while North Macedonia will first need to make changes in the constitution.
Some reformers talked of the Book of Words (the Bible) and the Book of Works (creation), both of which were to be explored to reveal more of God’s glory..
Without truth there is no trust, no genuine communication, no real community, no true democracy. Only manipulation.
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