About 90 delegates attended the European Creation Care and the Gospel conference in Nice (France). Chris Wright: “Whatever we do to God’s creation either points to, or diminishes, God’s glory”.
The conference drew about 90 delegates from across Europe. Scientists, theologians, activists reflected together on the theme “God’s Word and God’s World”.
The attacker opened fire against the congregation of a evangelical church in the small comunity of Sutherland Springs. Several children among the victims of “evil act”, the deadliest church shooting in US history.
About 70 people from European countries met at the Younger Leaders Gen gathering in Hungary (19-22 October) to discuss the challenges of the church in the continent and build partnerships. Photos: Evi Rodemann and Jari Sippola.
The gunman fired against a big crowd attending a Country festival in Las Vegas. 527 people have been hurt.
Michael felt that church leaders tend to see journalists as enemies. But they forget that journalists are all on very tight deadlines.
How can Islamic radicalism be countered after the imprisonment of the Christian governor of Jakarta?
About 90 people will attend the European creation care conference near Nice (France). “Churches have been lacking a vision that puts creation care at the heart of daily discipleship, worship and mission”, says Dave Bookless.
The Nashville Statement says the approval of homosexual practice and transgenderism is “an essential departure from Christian faithfulness and witness”.
Laden Nouri (Iran) first learned about Christianity through her newly converted cousin. After becoming a follower of Jesus, she helped start house churches and ended up in jail. Watch her story.
The tropical storm has caused “a catastrophic situation” in the fourth city of the USA. Thousands have been rescued from their homes.
Eight kings of the Kingdom of Israel and six from the Kingdom of Judah have been verified, including Kings David and Ahab.
As Christians keep visiting the people affected by the disaster, they have come to be called Kirisuto-san or ‘Mr./Ms. Christ’, with respect and appreciation.
When ‘alternative facts’ take over from truth, a culture is in big trouble. What can we do as Christians?
The findings show the affluence of Jerusalem, and are proof of the city's fall described in the Bible.
There needs to be a radical and broad new level of commitment to common working.
The deepening partisan ideological divide in all sectors of US society will mean that governance will most likely lurch from one extreme to another. This will have major ramifications for the church and mission.
2.1 billion people of world’s population has little or no Gospel access. Christ-followers should be outraged by this spiritual injustice.
They also found evidences of the battle between the Roman forces and the Jewish rebels, which resulted in the destruction of Jerusalem in AD 70.
The US withdrawal will make climate change solutions more difficult, and climate catastrophe more likely. The decision is unjust, immoral and unworthy of a great nation.
A number of Muslim groups are actively seeking a Caliphate, although their conceptions of it differ. These groups include Al-Qa’ida, Daesh (IS), Hizb ut Tahrir, and the Muslim Brotherhood.
The US may have left the Paris climate agreement, but Christians cannot avoid their responsibility in preserving God’s creation, says Antonio Cruz.
Believers born after 1981 are less supportive of the Republican Party and partially believe homosexuality should be accepted in society, says a survey.
This is what’s amazing about God’s church - our ministry can tangibly be a part of bringing the gospel to the heritage of a diverse set of communities from New York to New Mexico.
Native American Ministries Sunday is the United Methodist family’s way to support our peer Native American congregations so they can serve and worship with their communities as only they can.
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