The feng shui mirrors, the statuettes of Ganesh, the Tarot games... From now on, they have no need of these lucky charms and protections, as they have all of that and morem, in Jesus alone!
How the German Reformer defended the clarity of Scripture.
She still doesn’t know the sweetness of this voice: it is the voice of Jesus, who is entering the game again!
One of the last biographies published about the Nobel literature prize winner says that Dylan has never rejected his faith in Jesus. But the lyrics of some of his songs reveal a spiritual battle.
His wife’s body, bathed in sweat, is in the throes of convulsions. Véro would love to be able to cry out, but her cries remain stuck in her throat.
The Bertys free their chakras, consult all kinds of ‘specialists’: masters in guided meditation, mediums, kinesiologists, cleaners of cellular memories and even their animal totem (a snake!) to try to discover what they still lack…
A suggestion on how to deal with Halloween and other popular festivals.
The question should rather be: ‘Where do you look to?’
Dr Pablo Martinez explains the causes of spiritual abuse from a biblical perspective and recommends steps to take action.
About 600 participants worshipped God together and reflected on the mission in Europe. Working groups were started in several areas.
Italian pastor Giovanni Traettino believes “the Word of God is moving and acting in the Catholic Church.” The Pentecostal leader encourages other churches to have an “open” approach to the Vatican. “Pope Francis is my brother in Christ”, he says in an interview with Evangelical Focus.
Dr Pablo Martinez is one of the authors of the ‘Pastoral Guide for the prevention of spiritual abuse’. In an interview, he explains the causes from a biblical perspective, and recommends steps to take action.
Glenn Frey (1948-2016) was the soul of The Eagles. The band’s success allowed them to enjoy everything that life had to offer them. The conclusion that they came to could not have been more disheartening.
The “Guide for the prevention of spiritual abuse”, released by the AEE, “wants to analyse the situation and give tools to the church, so that they can prevent the abuse.”
Was Samson as really as well-built as we have been led to believe?
The media’s interpretation of the significance of the discovery a few months before it was made reflects the need most humans feel to find ultimate spiritual reality.
In spite of the care and good intention, there is a lack of a theological and educated perspective of child treatment in many churches.
During a walk near the ‘three crosses’ on a hill close to Nolay in Burgundy (France), he took me by the hand and wanted me to climb up towards the middle cross just as the storm was arriving and it was beginning to rain…
While I am speaking, I sense very strongly that this woman facing me, a well-known medium, is being visited by a Spirit much greater than those she has welcomed up to this day.
It is like a huge theme park centred on the theme of feeding the world. Expo Milano has been viewed by over 14 million visitors who have gone through the gates and into the Rho area in the first four months.
The ‘prophet’ managed to get up to the church’s platform and accused MacArthur saying: “You have grieved the Holy Spirit of God. Your doctrine of cessationism is an error.”
Church leaders and theologians shared experiences and a biblical perspective at a 4-day conference in Spain. “The final result of spiritual abuse can be summarised in one word: destruction.”
Biological fatherhood can help us as an image to explain how we can walk with someone in their relationship with God. An answer by Henryk Wieja, from Poland.
True spiritual experiences have a specific source (the awareness of the beauty of God) and specific results (desire for God and spiritual fruit).
There’s something powerful about music. It goes beyond words and concepts to touch the very depths of us. In spite of its impersonal nature, music has a unique ability to make us feel happy or sad, upbeat or depressed.
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