The Old Testament was translated for the first time and the New Testament was rewritten using modern orthography. Yup’ik is the aboriginal Inuit language of people in the Southwestern Arctic.
“Identity is shaped by history, values and vision”, the International Director says in this talk given in Spain - November, 2015.
“We have the opportunity now to play a key role in ending an institution that for too long has failed to live up to core Christian principles”, thinks Heather Beaudoin.
Michael Ots (author of What kind of Hope?): “In Western Europe we have moved from a culture that used to be ambivalent and apathetic towards the gospel to a situation now where people are openly hostile to it.”
According to the WEF, it will take 118 years to finally close the global gender pay gap. Women are earning now what men were 10 years ago.
Almost two months after its launching, the #CortoConElla campaign has had quite an impact in social media. The team is still looking for people who are willing to publicly commit against corruption.
Brazil is the country where more Bibles were distributed. The figures rise significantly in conflict countries like Syria and Ukraine.
Students spread #CortoConElla (#BreakUpWithIt) decalogue on social networks and encourage honest decisions like “paying for copyrighted content” and “having a CV which clearly reflects my career and training.”
In an interview on a local television show, the ex-convict who converted to Christianity explained that he just felt an “urge” in his heart to ask God to protect cops.
About 10,000 believers seek to serve a society that looks to Europe for answers to the financial crisis. An interview with Samuil Petrovski.
The German Chancellor: “We all have the freedom to have our religion, to practice it, and to believe in it.”
“Young leaders have contributed fresh ideas, taken proactive measures, and mobilized through social media as never before”, UN Secretary General said.
Will you, like Israel in Hosea's time, become increasingly confident in what you have gained? Or will you remember your origins, where you have come from, and so keep yourself humble before your God?
The evangelical Spanish TV program “Buenas Noticias”, celebrates its 30th anniversary giving 3,000 bibles.
This summer, the Bible Society, along with local churches, will bring Bibles and develop literacy programs in Cambodia and Laos.
We can sow to please our sinful nature or sow to please the Spirit - in both cases we should be aware of what we are sowing for. Our sowing has consequences in the future.
It is not about salvation from hell. It rather announces a radically different message, unheard of in generations past: that God is already dead. That in this new state of affairs.
BBC broadcaster Adrian Chiles lived “one of the most rewarding and quietly intense 46 days of my life”, going to a different church every day for more than a month.
EAUK encourages Christians to “pray for our newly elected politicians that they might be honest, hardworking, fair and accountable MPs.” A pastor’s letter asking the Prime Minister to care about the poorest goes viral on Facebook.
Many of us write emails every day, but we still make mistakes. Jaime Rubio Hancock, from El País, gives 10 useful advices.
EEA’s secretary general Thomas Bucher thinks “evangelicals have to influence society on all different levels.”
Influence in society, evangelical identity and projects in Europe. An interview with Thomas Bucher, secretary general of the European Evangelical Alliance.
Secularism has a “reputation problem”, points out USA Today columnist Tom Krattenmaker. Atheist Hemant Mehta agrees with the diagnosis.
It is clear that, to be able to grow, human beings need to be interdependent- be it within the family, the couple, friendships, work or hobby.
France will double the funds for Islamic studies in their Universities. UK invests money in areas with big Muslim communities.
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