The miracle of new beginnings, the miracle of justice realised and the miracle of changed hearts.
The gahtering of the Graduates Bible Groups in Spain challenged Christians professionals to share the beauty of the Christian faith with their coworkers - with excellence, respect and responsibility.
The inequality between East and West is still visible in issues such as migration and employment. “Christians need to get involved at all levels”, says Evi Rodemann of the Lausanne Movement Europe.
“Our culture is looking for solutions that are not coming, because we are dealing with things of the heart. We need to reflect the hope that comes form God”, Peter Roskam says.
“The passion for unity is one vital way the church can serve the nation in the months and years ahead”, says Gavin Calver of the Evangelical Alliance.
There are 13 million disabled people in the UK, including children and adults, plus all of their friends and family. By voting for the party that seems nearest to how you think, you can be a part of influencing change rather than being on the sidelines.
“Let’s begin to raise awareness, respond to this responsibility before God. Let’s plant churches, but also trees”, said Lowell Bliss co-director of the Christian Climate Observer Program.
“As Christians, it is up to us to become key actors in the climate crisis and lead a change”, says Juliana Morillo, member of the Christian Climate Observer Program.
Brexit has had a reductionist and therefore dehumanising effect. It encourages us to see people as ‘The Other’.
A Pew Research survey also shows that 55% of US adults surveyed believe “churches and religious organizations do more good than harm in American society”.
An official survey shows that evangelicals are now 15.3% of the population. It is the faith group with the highest church attendance.
To act justly is to pay fair wages, and also to pay workers in a fair manner.
We the citizens have a responsibility, not just the politicians, for seeing justice done and advancing the good of our society.
The Seneca Falls Platform aims to raise awareness about women’s equality in rights and freedoms, both in the church and in society, from a biblical perspective.
The complaint of the Christian actress on Twitter reflects the tiredness of many with media which intentionally ignore matters of faith.
The Message Enterprise Centre provides ex-offenders and those at risk of offending with the full-time jobs, training, supported local housing and discipleship they need to rebuild their lives and deepen their faith.
If we look through the history of the church, we see time and time again that Christians have stood up in the public sphere as agents of change for the good of society. We need such people now.
“This decision marks an end to the moral insult that the public glorification of a dictator constitutes”, said the President of Spain, Pedro Sánchez. Under Franco, evangelicals were isolated, silenced and incarcerated.
The City Council develops a plan to regulate gambling access and advertising. Psychologists warn against seeing “sports betting as just another social entertainment”.
Concerns about the digital currency being used to facilitate money laundering, drug purchases and terrorist financing are high on the list.
Mikael Laursen leads the “FrikirkeNet”, a Danish project of free churches. He explains how they have had every third member of Parliament visiting a church.
Catholics, evangelicals and members of other faiths attended the march. “Christians should stand up for those who are weakest and have no voice”. Police had to protect the event from a violent counter-demonstration.
According to the OECD, the median age of the population will increase from 40 years today to 45 years in 2050. “The church must awaken the mission call that the Lord gave the elderly people”, says a Christian leader.
Five of the main candidates responded on topics like bioethics, refugees, freedom of belief, and environmental care. The parliamentary election will be held on September 29.
Every 40 seconds, one person commits suicide worldwide, the WHO reports. Christian psychiatrist Pablo Martínez analyses this difficult issue.
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