The 4th century began with a period of tolerance towards Christianity, but was soon overshadowed by intense repression. However, it ended with a Christianized Empire. How did this process unfold? A historical summary on the 1,700th anniversary.
It is curious how cinema dialogues with time. Francis Ford Coppola’s film is about the future, yes, but it has its roots in a work written more than two thousand years ago.
The discovery was made during the recovery of a shipwreck off the coast of Caesarea, Israel.
It is the first evidence found in Europe of these type of executions in the Roman Empire.
Archaeologists discovered the scrolls in the Judean Desert. They also found the world's oldest fully intact basket, a 6,000-year-old mummified child and a cache of rare coins.
Is it possible to define Roman Catholicism? We are addressing Roman Catholicism as a system from an evangelical viewpoint.
As the second-century Christian apologist Athenagoras states, early Christians were accused of three crimes: cannibalism, incest, and atheism.
What did the “Lordship” of Jesus mean for first century Christians?
The ruins are located in Manbij, one of Syria’s most ancient towns. Among the artifacts found, there were several versions of crosses etched into columns and walls, which indicate this was a significant site for Christians.
The historian Mario Escobar describes historical aspects of the key week in the life of Jesus, whose historicity is sometimes questioned by sceptics.
Why is marrying-for-love so obvious to us today? There are of course many historical factors. But I wonder whether one of the most important ones isn’t a letter written many years ago.
Money is one of the tools of that centralised authority, open to all the abuses that control over its supply enables. The coin in Jesus’ hand was the perfect example of those dangers.
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