The rapid growth of popular Protestantism has heightened the concerns of the Roman Catholic hierarchies in this region of the world.
Five hundred years later, the Solas give us as followers of Jesus our identity. When people ask, “What makes you an evangelical?”, we can respond with the five solas.
A response by Leonardo De Chirico and Greg Pritchard to articles written by Thomas Schirrmacher and Thomas K. Johnson.
Theologian Michael Reeves explores some of the lessons we can learn from how the Reformers learned to preach Christ half a millennia ago.
I have attempted to demonstrate that the Catholic and Protestant systems of salvation are mutually exclusive, and that ecumenical dialogue must take seriously the distance that the word “alone” puts between them.
The World Evangelical Alliance and the Vatican issue a joint document on ‘Scripture and Tradition’ and ‘the Church in Salvation’.
Modern Catholicism is “a synthesis of medieval essentialism and modern existentialism”, the Dutch philosopher and theologian Cornelius Van Til said.
So far, Evangelicals and Pentecostals have been talking about unity among “born again” believers. If they commit to “greater oneness” with the Roman Catholic Church and WCC, they need to reflect on what they become committed to.
Free evangelicals are the Christian group showing strongest support for presence of faith in the political sphere.
An old tree falls on dozens of pilgrims as they waited to see an image of Virgin Mary in Madeira.
For the Catholic Church, “by grace alone” means that grace is intrinsically, constitutionally, and necessarily linked to the sacrament, and thus to the Church that administers it.
The only way the Reformation could possibly not still matter would be if beauty, goodness, truth, joy and human flourishing no longer mattered.
A week of lectures, seminars, and discussions to study and evaluate Roman Catholic theology and practice.
In Wittenberg, the WCRC signed the Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification (1999).
This request shows that when the Pope talked about all religious people being “children of God” he did not simply mean members of the human family.
The Catholic Charismatic Renewal movement gathered thousands to celebrate its 50 years of existence. Pentecostal leader Giovanni Traettino: “Let’s walk together towards the unity of the faith.”
The word rosary means “crown of roses”. The conviction behind this expression is that Mary has revealed that each time people say a “Hail Mary” they are giving her a rose.
A bishop in Spain was booed by 100 people after a Sunday worship service. “Debate is being replaced by coercion”, says Jaume Llenas, secretary general of the Spanish Evangelical Alliance.
There is no doubt that one of the greatest challenges Malta has faced in recent years has been coping with the influx of migrants from North Africa and the Middle East.
“Except for a few Orthodox extremists, I do not hear a single voice expressing approval for the prohibition of the Jehovah’s Witnesses”, says Russian church historian Constantine Prokhorov.
“We realise that there is a need and a conviction in relation to the divine”, says António Calaim. Hundreds of young evangelicals will engage Catholics in conversations about the Bible.
The word “evangelization” is used across the spectrum of the Christian world. The question is: What is the meaning of it? How is it defined? What does it refer to?
The Holy Spirit is neither present nor active in a mission in which sin and the cross of Christ are absent.
We spoke with Protestant Christians who had had their electricity and water cut off, who had been removed from the local population registers, whose children had been prevented from attending school.
“The presence of police officers dressed in uniform in an Easter procession puts both the police and the citizens at risk”, a police association says. Officers should “only be assigned to protect the security of the citizens.”
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