There is a strong connection between what is going on in the preacher and what will go on in the listeners.
Make sure any flourishes work to support the preaching of the text, not to steal the spotlight away from it.
Surveys say a majority of society is not in favour of the changes that will be applied after March 2020. Same-sex marriage has also been legalised.
“The problem of the term is that it seems to suggest a unified translation of the Old Testament”, says researcher Peter J. Williams of Tyndale House (Cambridge).
Perhaps we too easily skim over the more minor characters that fill the pages of our Bibles?
You might be a good communicator, your message might be technically accurate in every detail, but if there is a leap from text to message, then you are undermining the foundational reality that God is a good communicator.
As preachers, as pastors, or as parents, let’s not usurp the Spirit’s role and try to force things along.
Demonstrators gathered in front of the parliament building in Belfast. “We werere not asked about this undemocratic change, which does not reflect public or political opinion here”.
What our churches need is for people to have their hearts and minds engaged with the Word of God.
“We should have faith that even through broken and imperfect systems God can work His will”, says the Evangelical Alliance UK. “This is not an act of good faith”, the Church of Scotland points out.
“As Christians today, we live in a Babylon of our own, but we can be morally distinctive and obedient to Christ”, Peter Saunders, CEO Christian Medical Fellowship, says.
The 2020 Forum’s morning Bible teacher will be Peter Mead. Over 850 participants are expected to attend the conference in Poland.
With different speakers (be they team members or visiting speakers), there is potentially some need to introduce the speaker.
Despite all that can go wrong, testimonies can be so powerful.
True biblical preaching is not primarily about outlines. It is about heart-to-heart communication.
“It is not our initiative, it is not working for ourselves, it is gazing to Jesus and responding to Him. It is the language of inclining the heart that we see in Psalms”, said Peter Mead, Director of Cor Deo.
Stephen knew that the only listener that ultimately mattered was the one standing to receive him into glory.
His arms are open wide, waiting for you. You'll not find a more secure and loving place.
Jesus is not in the habit of fanning the flames of our egos as we pray.
Instead of simply provoking a celebratory nod from “the choir” in your church, why not clarify what you mean in your explanation, and what you mean by way of application?
Always take a look and see what the context of the Biblical text is offering by way of motivation.
Aim to build up, don’t hype up. Be sure to treat people as real people – both the unknown person you are speaking to and the famous person who just walked past you.
Remember that how we support the bereaved can bring glory to God.
Remembering the Dane's legacy this May-time.
Prepare and preach a sermon that has a fingerprint as unique as the passage it is based on.
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