Cheating and deceit may benefit us in the short term, but in the longer term they will take us away from God’s presence and from his purpose.
The challenge for us is to set aside time to worship the Lord and seek specific prophetic blessings for our children and grandchildren – and for our spiritual children.
How will we use the gifts God has given to us? What will be remembered for in the way that we have used these gifts?
The cemetery has been found outside the walls of the Israelite port city of Ashkelon. The discovery of more than 200 bodies will reveal many details about how the Philistines lived.
She lived 4,000 years ago and, although she can hardly be called a celebrity, even today people all over the world are still reading about her.
The servant has to travel a road that is far from straightforward; and through his journey in Genesis 24 we can learn a lot. The one characteristic that stands out above all others is his single-mindedness in serving his master.
We have become increasingly accustomed to corruption in high places, and this has resulted in a cynicism towards those in power.
A team of local believers, along with Wycliffe Associates, has translated the New Testament. “They have endured persecution, and struggled to teach the Word in other languages.”
Some of us, like Churchill and Isaac, may have a defining period in our lives, which leaves everything else in the shade.
A 21-minute short film features U2 frontman Bono and theologian Eugene Peterson talking about how the Psalms have impacted their lives.
U2 frontman talks about how the Psalms impacted his life and his music with theologian and author of ‘The Message’ Eugene Peterson. Interview with Fuller Seminary professor David Taylor.
The seal must have belonged to a senior Egyptian official, who “filled a similar position to that held by Joseph in Egypt”, archaeologist says.
The Bible never ducks sexual issues. Within its pages you will find stories of adultery, rape, and, as here with Lot’s daughters, incest. These subjects are dealt with openly, but always in a matter-of-fact way and never sensationally.
“In the beginning there were only blocks, and God gathered resources, made a map, and saw that it was good.” Authors are Garrett Romines and Christopher Miko.
When we decide to follow Jesus, his resurrection life enters into our bodies, so that we are ‘in Christ’ and we become a new creation. The old has gone, the new has come!
Was Samson as really as well-built as we have been led to believe?
So, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don't fall (1 Corinthians 10:12). Bad company corrupts good character.
A FOCL webinar by Dr. Drake Williams examines claims about false authorship of the New Testament letters and how widespread these claims are.
I was reminded of Ishmael when recently I saw a homeless teenage boy being interviewed on TV. He explained that he was on the streets because his step-father had thrown him out of the house.
John Stevens, National Director of FIEC, explained in a FOCL webinar how to deal with Old Testament texts related to violence, in order to answer the apologetic questions that they raise.
In order to worship, it is necessary to truly understand who we are and who the God of all ages is, over and above what He does for us.
Like Hagar, Paul, and Jesus, we may sometimes need to take the way of powerlessness in order to experience the power of God in our lives.
Being in the background does not absolve us from living by faith. Indeed, it is often in background roles that God can most effectively develop our character and our faith.
So was Abraham a superhero? In fact, he started life rather unpromisingly as a refugee from Iraq (Ur of the Chaldees), settling in Turkey (Haran), then he became a nomad in Palestine, and lived for a time as a foreigner in Egypt.
A closer look at one of Jesus' problematic grandmothers.
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