The World, European and Portuguese Evangelical Alliances submit a report on the religious situation in Portugal for the 47th session of the UN Human Rights Council.
Christians & European elections. In the Netherlands and Romania, believers express disappointment with the main ideologies in Brussels. In France and Italy, the EU is perceived as distant.
Over 100 leaders working against human trafficking and commercial exploitation from 27 countries gathered in Portugal for the European Freedom Network annual conference.
A waiter at Madrid's iconic Windsor hotel shares his experience serving top executives, presidents and even royalty, in a career marked by faith and perseverance.
Some churches are wondering how to “secure their future in a denominational structure that is moving away from them theologically and ethically”, says an Anglican minister in Newcastle.
Burnout among mission workers is on the rise. The repercussions are far costlier to the team, family, marriage, and ministry, and negatively impact the gospel witness.
In some Romanian evangelical churches, the number of children is almost as high as the number of adults, meaning children’s ministry has become a priority.
We are finally witnessing a complex and adult work, which cannot be reduced to the simplistic schemes to which victimhood seems to have condemned us lately.
From 17-20 March, 72 Christian women with influence in church leadership, business and institutions gathered for the ‘Rise in Strength’ global consultation.
This is to regard Thomas as an indispensable interlocutor in the history of Christian thought to be read critically and generously in light of the principle of “sola Scriptura”.
He is stepping down due to health reasons. The World Evangelical Alliance International Council unanimously accepted the resignation effective immediately.
Christian Solidarity Worldwide launches a report on Cuban government “hardline tactics”, amid recent protests on the island due to the food and public services crisis.
Türkiye is closely linked to the historical narrative of Christianity, yet today less than one percent of Turks identify as Christian.
School handbooks now explain that all hate crimes should be reported to the police. The police are to set up reporting centres throughout Scotland where you can go and ‘clipe’ (a Scots word for snitch or tell-tale) on anyone.
Aglow held its largest conference ever in the Southern European country, providing a space for encounter, reflection and evangelical unity around the gospel.
Evangelical churches in Romania and Croatia remain connected to those who emigrate. Christians are encouraged to have a missional mindset and to hold on to their Christian values as they start a new life in Western Europe.
The Baptist Union voted not to change its policy on marriage and ministry. They also confirm that homosexual orientation is no bar to accreditation.
“Extremism is the promotion of an ideology based on violence, hatred or intolerance”, says the new legal definition of the government. Evangelical organisations see a risk in “subjective” decisions about what beliefs can or cannot be expressed.
Young people are emigrating, housing prices continue to rise and the health system is overburdened as the country awaits the formation of a new government, says an evangelical leader.
The Evangelical Alliance encouraged believers to “vote according with their conscience and as the Lord leads them” but its director Nick Park said marriage should not be equated in the Constitution to any durable relationship.
Gender identity clinics may only offer these controversial treatments to minors in research trials or in “exceptional circumstances”. The government welcomes the decision of the National Health Service.
An evangelical feminist in Spain looks with sadness at the constitutionalisation of abortion in the neighbouring country.
The reason that we should take Jesus’ demand so seriously is because His mission cost Him everything.
The false blasphemy charges had led to Muslims attacking Christian homes and businesses in Pakistan last year, forcing hundreds to flee.
In Spain, evangelicals have repeatedly called for a clear protocol to protect the head of state in the modern multi-religious context. No king has ever attended an event organised by evangelical churches.
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