The AEE presented a renewed image and its projects in the areas of youth, solidarity, media and creation care, among others.
“EF promotes constructive conversations that seek to edify, to understand”, writes the president of the Spanish Evangelical Alliance on the 10th anniversary of this journalistic project.
Aglow held its largest conference ever in the Southern European country, providing a space for encounter, reflection and evangelical unity around the gospel.
Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez seeks a national agreement to stop the “epidemic”. Spain is the EU country with highest consumption of porn among minors. Evangelical groups have long called for this issue to be addressed.
It is the evangelical denomination with the largest presence in Spain. Its annual congress was themed “In His Presence, towards greater things”.
A hundred people attended the Decision 2023 Summit, to reflect on how to bring the gospel message amidst the Spanish secular culture.
Over 800 women participated in person and the conference was also available online.
“Youth ministry has to work on areas such as excellence in life, a correct stewardship of time and resources, and a constant dependence on God that generates confidence in economic entrepreneurship”, says Marcos Zapata.
An event held in Madrid shows the successes of the Nordic model, which punishes the client, to curb trafficking and prostitution.
The annual meeting of the Spanish Evangelical Alliance addressed the challenges of freedom of conscience, the mission of the church, and its role in a society marked by the pandemic.
Churches across the country remember those who died in special worship services with a “message of hope in resurrection and eternal life”.
Six lessons for churches from the president of the Spanish Evangelical Alliance.
Evangelical women from the Spanish city of Lugo sew medical protective materials that have already been delivered to eleven health centers in the region.
Marcos Zapata, President of the Spanish Evangelical Alliance, explains what he learned as he was infected with Covid-19. “In the midst of this crisis, our churches can be light and bless our community”.
“Ignorance and the lack of resources cause many people to remain isolated”, psychologist Silvia Villares says. She has organised a forum with experts.
The “Guide for the prevention of spiritual abuse”, released by the AEE, “wants to analyse the situation and give tools to the church, so that they can prevent the abuse.”
Family therapist and pastor Marcos Zapata analyzes othe effects of child abuse and the role of the churches in its prevention.
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