The government will close down the central offices of the religious organisation. The pressure on non-Russian Orthodox groups makes evangelical Christians wonder who will be targeted next.
Conversion from Islam is impossible in many places and in the few locations where it is possible legally, there are social and cultural impediments to change.
“The presence of police officers dressed in uniform in an Easter procession puts both the police and the citizens at risk”, a police association says. Officers should “only be assigned to protect the security of the citizens.”
An interview with Ignacio Arsuaga of HazteOir, the group which launched a campaign denouncing the imposition of gender ideology in Spain. “We ask public authorities to respect the right of parents to decide on the affective-sexual education of their children.”
“This kind of precedent is highly frightening and raises the question of who’s next”, says Evangelical-Baptist leader Vitaly Vlasenko.
One of the most painful situations for those serving among people without legal papers in the United States is to help parents to make plans for the care of their children in case they are arrested and deported.
According to the ECJ, “banning the visible wearing of any political, philosophical or religious sign does not constitute direct discrimination.”
Our churches should be examples of institutions that serve the common good, that speak out against injustice, and that are led with integrity.
Plans for a new constitution would make it easier for the head of state to order a state of emergency. The post of Prime Minister could be abolished.
Outside the heavily guarded court, those opposing Ahok chanted, “Jail Ahok, jail Ahok, jail Ahok now”. Muslim clerics refer to the Christian politician as a “son of Satan”.
More psychological and material help should be offered to young couples, Christian organisations say. The 1975 abortion law needs to be reconsidered.
“Organ pillaging in China is a crime in which the Communist Party, the health system, hospitals, and the transplant profession are all complicit”, Human Rights activist David Kilgour tells Canadian lawmakers.
In the region, almost 40% of the Protestant churches have become secret churches. “We do not want to be associated with anything illegal and our desire is to be law-abiding citizens”.
A report from an independent commission advised in February to slow down euthanasia to prevent abuses.
“Russian evangelical Christians have a call to be model citizens but now they are at risk of being considered lawbreakers for their loyalty to Jesus Christ”, the Spanish Evangelical Alliance says.
A controversial amendment to the ‘Loi Sapin II’ was withdrawn this week. “Some ideological groups attempt to reduce the voice of religions in the public space”, explains evangelical representative.
It appears once again as if the Russian state will be moving simultaneously in opposite directions. Restrictive measures are combined with financial support for Protestant and multi-confessional projects.
The Italian Evangelical Alliance supports a teacher who did not allow the celebration of a Catholic mass service during school hours.
A look at European statistics on five key biomedical issues: surrogate parenthood, gender transformation, the new eugenics, euthanasia and abortion.
A lobby uses the new regional law against LGTBI discrimination approved this month in Madrid to report the case. The bill “only supports those who accept their own sexual orientation”, the coach believes.
The new bill would criminalise speech that “ comments against any tenet of Islam”. Maldivian Christians are forced to practise their faith in secret.
The funding of mosques will be controlled, and he imans will receive training. 20 mosques have been shut down this year.
In the last 7 weeks, a dozen incidents have occurred, including attacks, with at least 6 people dead; fights against church construction and unfair firings.
The law that makes evangelism illegal has come into force in Russia, on Wednesday 20th July. The situation is still better than in the URSS days, says evangelist Alex Jaruchik.
“Russian Evangelicals are not problematic and radicalised citizens and they should not be treated that way”, says Thomas Bucher, the General Secretary of the European Evangelical Alliance.
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