After the coup, a provisional committee has taken power on an interim basis and continues to define its roadmap. “The situation is ambiguous”, Christians say.
Malawi will have a government led by the former president of Assemblies of God. “We are excited to have a respected man of God as the head of state”, says Christian leader Matilda Matabwa.
Lazarus Chakwera won after 13 months of street protests related to the 2019 elections. “I accept this call to serve you for I am duty bound to God”, he said.
I would like to offer some thoughts on the issue with the hope of stimulating further reflection by the church.
Participation in the Impact Groups of Lausanne Europe 2020 is being opened up beyond the circle of delegates to the gathering.
Pastor Miguel Ángel Martín has been threatened with a fine by the regional government of Madrid after being the subject of a hidden camera report.
The proposal has been rejected internationally. “It is not a peace agreement, but just a ‘vision’ or ‘plan’, and that does not mean much to Israel”, a Israeli professor of international relations says.
Spanish psychiatrist and author, Pablo Martínez, analyses how individualism, existential emptiness and intolerance to suffering, have become some of the main charasteristics of our society.
Early results show that there could be several options on the table to form a new government.
The FREPAP party combines distorted elements of Christianity and Incan traditions. Followers of the religious Andean cult believe that the founder Ezequiel Ataucusi, died in 2000, was the representation of Christ on Earth.
There has been 40% more Christian candidates than four years ago. Despite a dificult campaign, “God has a long-term plan”, they say.
Many hope their effort will inspire a new generation of political representatives with a strong Christian faith. “God has a long-term plan”.
Social Democrat Pedro Sánchez is confirmed as Prime Minister after forming a government with leftists Podemos. The growing socio-political polarisation makes dialogue difficult, evangelicals say.
He beats conservative incumbent President Grabar-Kitavoric. The 1990s war was still a relevant topic during the electoral campaign.
Sebastian Kurz (ÖVP) and Werner Kogler (Greens) reached an agreement, which aims to become climate-neutral by 2040 and includes and stricter controls on migration.
Caring for God’s creation is one way in which we can express our love for God.
“The passion for unity is one vital way the church can serve the nation in the months and years ahead”, says Gavin Calver of the Evangelical Alliance.
There are 13 million disabled people in the UK, including children and adults, plus all of their friends and family. By voting for the party that seems nearest to how you think, you can be a part of influencing change rather than being on the sidelines.
Jews say “a new poison has taken root in the Labour Party” while Muslims argue that “Islamophobia is endemic in the Conservative Party”. “May we be recognised as Jesus’ disciples”, the UK Evangelical Alliance says.
Brexit has had a reductionist and therefore dehumanising effect. It encourages us to see people as ‘The Other’.
After the elections, 17 of the 18 district councils are now controlled by pro-democracy councillors."The results show people's displeasure over the government”, Christians say.
The conservative candidate got 48.7% of the votes, but the difference between the two parties is less that 30,000 votes. Final results will be announced at the end of the week.
We the citizens have a responsibility, not just the politicians, for seeing justice done and advancing the good of our society.
If we look through the history of the church, we see time and time again that Christians have stood up in the public sphere as agents of change for the good of society. We need such people now.
Evo Morales announces an agreement for an external audit of last week’s vote. The National Evangelical Association of Bolivia calls to “avoid conflicts between brothers”.
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