The fulfillment of God’s great sin-conquering, life-giving, problem-solving, Satan-defeating, promise plan was Mary’s son, baby Jesus.
What are the views of Evangelical Focus readers on the refugee crisis, marriage, ecumenism, sexual exploitation and the reliability of the Bible? We have selected the answers to some of the questions asked on our website.
What's all this fuss about the Babe of Bethlehem?
“There are 3 things why Muslims are coming to Christ: meeting authentic Christians; reading the Bible in their own language; and seeing a vision of Jesus”, says Fouad Masri, President of Crescent Project.
You may not agree with the President of the USA in many things, but in this he is right - the gift of Christmas is offered to each one of us.
The annual event organised by evangelical churches of many denominations used the opportunity to pray for the country.
What is the Gospel all about?
The local government poverty-relief programme aims to “transform believers in religion into believers in the party”.
Theologian Michael Reeves explores some of the lessons we can learn from how the Reformers learned to preach Christ half a millennia ago.
Jesus is suggesting a deep and wide vision for how to change the world: individually and corporately, in the home and the workplace.
God established one way to him in Jesus. There is no other mediator, no other system by which to reach God except through Jesus.
"Panai el-Adonai" (“My face towards the Lord” from Daniel 9:3) brought together the Messianic community to worship and intercede with songs from all over Israel. A video by Kehila News.
The responsibility of the media (whether television, radio, print or digital media) is very high in an environment like the current one in Spain.
Do we want to be healed, say, of our greed or bad moods? I’m not quite sure. Being healed includes changes and sacrifices.
To be a good theologian is to seek to know and rely upon the Word of God better. It is to be a faithful Christian.
Vaughan Roberts speaks from 25 years of ministry experience to share four lessons on staying the course as a Christian, despite ongoing battles with the world, the flesh, and the devil.
A short video on Colossians 2:3: “in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge”.
God had always sought for fellowship with man and intimacy even when Adam and Eve sinned.
The Trinity is not some awkward add-on to God. No, God is beautiful, desirable, and life-giving precisely because He is the Father, the Son, and the Spirit.
Now a refugee in Italy, Sayid is running away from his past. He fled his Middle-Eastern home when charged with blasphemy after he confronted an Iman who often abused sexually a boy.
God will set things right in his time, the right time.
We need to respond with the values that we see in Jesus Christ’s life.
20-25% of undocumented immigrants in the US are evangelicals and many of them are pillars in their churches and communities.
What about the gospels not included in the Bible? Why were they not chosen? What do they say?
A closer look at Matthew 8:1-4.
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