We want to do good to others, because God does good to all. It is the natural fruit of our life with God.
God has placed people with more wisdom at our side to help us in difficult moments. Never despise his advice, given through these people.
Begin by asking God to show us his will and then everything else will fall into place in its time.
Nothing can compare to the security of our relationship with him and the peace that he puts in our hearts.
When we want everything to finish quickly, it's because we are afraid of losing our victory in the last moments.
Being a Christian is not an excuse for mediocrity, nor is it an excuse to passively accept defeat.
There is a danger that we can all fall into - to do things only for others to admire us.
To speak evil of others is the sport practised by 99% of cowards, those who are afraid to solve their own problems face to face.
Do you still think you are self-sufficient?
Jesus overcame death, when, after suffering on the cross, he came back to life, proving himself the victor when he appeared to more than five hundred people in different situations.
We do not often remember that bitterness is one of Satan's favourite weapons.
Peace makers are essential in Christian life: men and women who never accept evil; men and women who prefer to lose their own rights to let God be glorified.
The word of God speaks of only one way to be saved: to believe in Christ.
Barry Richards, on of the best South African cricket players once said: “I would have preferred to make fewer runs and more friends.”
God loves us just the way we are. This is the most simple of truths, but one of the hardest to understand.
Endurance is a beautiful word for an athlete, and for a Christian. God has not called us to conquer the world in five days.
If we live worshipping other "idols", we should cry out to them when we need help.
We cannot use time better than when we give it to God, in every sense.
It is not a matter of being better, nor being more prepared. It is a matter of ANSWERING. God continues to call in the same way each day: "Whom shall I send? Who will go for us?"
God has always helped us when we were tired, and in the same way we resemble him when we unconditionally help those who suffer, are tired or depressed.
Each person will carry his own sin, and that no matter how hard we try we will never be able to do anything to save ourselves or others.
Do not worry about lost balls! Do not be interested in criticism! Do not fear responsibility! God has called you, so he will give you the strength to be restored.
How much do you value Jesus? How important is he to you? He gave all he had to be one of us. He was willing to die for you and me.
Sometimes, in our own lives, we suffer hurt and to become discouraged seems to be the only way of reacting. But prayer has the power to help changing our attitude.
We can obey the creator, loving and caring for all the things he made; or we can obey the destroyer and do the things that pollute the atmosphere more each day.
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