“In a country that has known no Reformation we are still grappling with the lack of pluralism and responsibility”, the Italian Evangelical Alliance says.
The World Evangelical Alliance admits that “evangelical-Catholic relations are a highly sensitive issue for evangelicals in many parts of the world”, and says it will seek better communication with its members.
A letter to the embassador in Rome was delivered.
“The historic positions on biblical unity and biblical confrontation of errors that the Alliance has stood for over a hundred years seem now to be eroded and replaced by ecumenical attitudes”. World Evangelical Alliance responds: “The concerns raised are being taken very seriously”.
Ravi Zacharias spoke at the General Assembly of the Italian Evangelical Alliance. Hundreds joined a march in Rome to pray for the country.
Is the exit-strategy (like the one seen with Brexit) the only way forward amidst the widespread dissatisfaction towards the EU?
The criminalization of the Jehovah’s Witnesses in Russia is a mistake, says the Italian Evangelical Alliance. Freedom of worship should be guaranteed for everyone, “even for those who, in our view, are completely wrong.”
“Unique” was the theme of this year’s Week of Prayer in Europe. A summary of the highlights in Italy, Austria, Spain, Switzerland and the Czech Republic.
The Italian Evangelical Alliance emphasises the “inherent dignity” of all migrants. Family reunification and integration policies should be implemented.
The Italian Evangelical Alliance supports a teacher who did not allow the celebration of a Catholic mass service during school hours.
Ministries and churches attended a special summit five days after the tragedy. 40 organisations aggree to “coordinate the efforts in order to bring together into a single stream the various initiatives.”
The Italian Evangelical Alliance is active in contributing to relief work and to coordinate its work with evangelical agencies. Condolences of European believers.
“Catholicism continues to add places to the table and extend the menu”. The talk Leonardo de Chirico gave at the 2016 AEI annual assembly in Rome.
Efraim Tendero (World Evangelical Alliance) and Jaume Llenas (Spanish Evangelical Alliance) agree in their disapproval of ecumenism and emphasise mission: “If we stop sharing the gospel, we stop being evangelical Christians”. A second report from the 2016 Italian Evangelical Alliance assembly.
The majority of Italian evangelicals are in favour of co-belligerence, but clearly dismiss ecumenism. A first report of the Italian Evangelical Alliance assembly, in Rome (8-9 April).
The Italian Evangelical Alliance celebrated its annual assembly in Rome (8-9 April). The theme was “Evangelical Faith and Roman Catholicism: where are we? Where are we going?”.
Professor Pietro Bolognesi and Italian Evangelical Alliance vice-president Leonardo de Chirico sahre their views ahead of the meeting which will discuss Roman Catholic-Evangelical relationships.
WEA’s Secretary General Efraim Tendero and Pentecostal pastor with personal friendship with Pope Francis Giovanni Traettino, among those invited to share their views in the assembly of the Italian Evangelical Alliance.
The Italian Evangelical Alliance “welcomes the decision”, because the law “made it very difficult, if not impossible, to obtain the authorization to open a new worship place.”
New law could officialise same-sex civil unions and give right to adoption in specific cases. Evangelical pastor Stefano Bogliolo: “If we put our hands on the architrave of a society, the family, sooner or later the building will collapse.”
The Mayor of Rome, the ambassador of Germany and leaders of the Lutheran, Adventist and Evangelical denominations attend the event. AEI: “A step towards the full recognition of equal rights for all citizens, and thus also for evangelicals”.
Hundreds of evangelicals attended the “let’s defend our children” rally. Italian Evangelical Alliance chairman Ciccone addressed a diverse crowd.
Italian Evangelicals and Minister Alfano commemorate violations of religious freedom by the fascist regime.
New churches in northern Italy will need to have large parking sites and a “minimum distance” to other places of worship. Evangelicals fear “damage to freedom of religion” and denounce new rules might be “unconstitutional.”
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