After contacting some 50 people active in all kinds of scientific fields, the aim is to “learn together to have a perspective of the profession from a Christian worldview”, says convener Maricruz Lacalle.
A student and a university professor from Belgrade explain why their understanding of the Bible drives them to join the protests for more democracy and a dignified future.
Many young people attend the annual Graduates Bible Groups gathering in Cullera. Topics discussed included personal evangelism, conflict resolution, sexuality, and how to age well. A report by Marta Cabañas.
A tribute to Daniel Bourdanné (1959-2024). By Bryn Rickards and Sarah Hannington.
Kari Clewett, a psychologist and sexologist, publishes ‘The Good Sex’, a reflection that seeks to motivate the church to recover the meaning of sexuality designed by God.
Over 300 Christian graduates and professionals from all backgrounds came together to listen to Dan Strange and other speakers on the theme of how to turn all spheres of life into an act of worship to God.
The aim is to equip and mobilise university evangelists in Europe, so that public proclamation of the gospel becomes a regular feature of student ministry.
Oxford LGBT students publish a blacklist of “homophobic” churches in the city, most of them evangelical. It is a clear example of how Christian congregations are coming under pressure for teaching the Bible to their members.
An evangelical leader in Belgrade shares about the mood of the country after the violence that killed 17 people. “On Sunday churches did not sing. Instead, we were praying, and a Christian psychologist shared about how to find support and encouragement”.
Who we are becoming will determine how we are able or unable to deal with the crises in Europe.
An inteview with Manuel Rainho, the General Secretary of Portuguese IFES Group.
Energy, inflation, environmental degradation and the call for simpler living.
Without the constant renewal of Christ’s peace in our hearts, our emphasis on simple living may be purely a matter of economics and even politics.
Congolese Christians are sceptical about the humanist statements made by Pope Francis during his official visit to a country facing a serious conflict.
Photo gallery of Revive Europe 2022.
Revive Europe gathers the new generation for repentance, forgiveness and awakening.
Recent surveys in Germany and the Netherlands analyse the daily decisions of church members to see if they differ from the rest of society.
Samuil Petrovski speaks about the vitality of churches, the recent presidential election, and what Serbia learnt about reconciliation after the 90s war.
As millions of young people are quitting their jobs to change their lifestyles, Christians engaged in workplace discipleship are reminding that "work done for God is an act of worship".
IFES calls Christian university students to reach out to foreigners: “What if every student befriended one international student?”
The fight between the government and Tigray's rebels remains unresolved as millions face starvation. “Our hearts weep when we see the recent situation”, evangelicals say.
Being in relationship with Jesus is not just the end goal of ministry, but it is also the means by which genuine transformation occurs.
A critique of Western Christian leadeship in light of global trends. An article by Mary Ho.
The mentorship programme Cross-Current has conducted a study among 350 Christian graduates over the past four years. Many have “a strong desire to apply biblical integrity and virtues to their work” but they face “real challenges”.
Samuel Escobar, a close co-worker and friend of the Ecuadorian theologian, speaks about his legacy. “I admired that together with his seriousness at work he had a great sense of humour”.
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