“Highly religious” USA citizens are happier and more involved with family and in their communities, a Pew Research survey says. When weighing major life decisions, 7 out of 10 evangelicals said they prayed.
I find it amazing that God would “overcome” the world in the worst thinkable way, by letting his son be condemned to death. He allowed the darkest force to be used against him.
An evangelical emphasis on nurturing societies that encourage openness, tolerance, and diversity of religious expression should be seen as a benefit to all citizens and beneficial to mission and ministry globally.
Christians promote campaign with more than 1,500 advertising posters. Passersby are invited to share their views about Jesus. Promoters hope it “will lead to conversations.”
To my mind, it is on the cross that the character of Christ reaches its greatest splendour. During the hours of deepest darkness, his words shine like radiant gold.
We want to become reliable moral figures by just saying some appropriate words, but the authentic change will come when we all kneel down before the Golgotha cross.
The secular 1970s did not prepare Europe well for the religious vitality that would become all too apparent during the late 1990s and onwards.
Political and cultural changes are happening in Taiwan. Christians (4.5 per cent of population) should better reach out to young people, believes Michael Dixon, an English teacher who has lived in the island for more than 20 years.
“The main challenge is that non-evangelical Europeans feel that the gospel has been tried and found insufficient, that it is too simplistic for a complex and sophisticated society”, says American missionary Steve Mann after working in Europe for 30 years.
Amateur or professional videos can be sent before April 15. “Social media places opportunities into our hands every day to be ‘be light’ to millions of people.” Winner gets 1,000 Euros.
Thirty-five years after his death, we take a look back at the growing legacy of Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones.
If we are to help someone who has fallen into a pattern of sin and they desire to repent, restoration must be a process where we come alongside, offering practical goals and objectives for the individual that will help them turn around.
In the middle of celebrations of his team, FC Barcelona player Gerard Piqué said: “Thanks Kevin Roldan, it all started with you.” These words provoked major controversy in the Spanish sporting media. Why?
The Spanish ministry will launch its third worldwide campaign next week, saying; “We want the gospel to be viral in social networks”.
An analysis of the apostolic Gospel.
Did you know that the Bible talks about something more important than us?
My heart weeps over increasing numbers of Christians who are opting out just saying: “Christ is soon coming back and we cannot really do anything about the global situation.”
The cultural context of universities in Bulgaria, Netherlands, Czech Republic, Spain and Denmark is very different. But Christian student movements agree on one thing: non-believers discover the Christian faith through deep personal relationships with believers:
“People often ask me why I’m a Christian”, The Archbishop of Canterbury writes on his official page. “When I’ve failed he’s picked me up and healed and strengthened me.”
The discovery of a plane ticket to India in my letter box ten years later leaves me speechless.
In the Church, non-authoritarian servant leadership does not mean defaulting to democratic or congregational rule but a ‘true theocracy’ that acknowledges the priesthood of all believers.
God suffered death in the person of Christ to bring life not only to the defenceless, but also to those who think they are powerful just because they have grenades in their belt. Christ also died for the sinners of Daesh.
Many Europeans are living like squatters in a house built on biblical concepts and revelation yet denying their debt to such foundations.
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