Counsellor Ed Welch speaks about the impact of praying together.
In the Bible we see people like us who were tempted to give in, but were restored by God.
God took the initiative to solve your problems, out of love.
Remembering R.C. and the Chicago Statement.
A video about Colossians 1:15-20.
No matter what sort of bad habit we're fighting against, God shows us how to break it.
The religious group founded by Edir Macedo has been accused of trafficking children from Portugal to Brazil and the USA. Portuguese evangelicals clearly distance themselves from the “doctrines and practices” of the group.
The biblical doctrines which the Reformers rediscovered and emphasised provided the framework out of which modern medicine was available eventually to develop.
Sometimes, not deciding and just "dithering" is worse than making the wrong choice.
Marriages can’t flourish out of self-centered postures.
We are often cranky and cynical already at a young age, aren’t we?
God expects us to be faithful to him.
I really have to go for a walk.
- ‘My kids and I used to make dens in their bedrooms with sheets and things. We made up this whole new world, full of adventures… ‘
The Bible says that some day, everyone in the world will kneel before the Lord Jesus, and acknowledge his lordship over all.
We can make no greater investment of our resources than to help churches become infectious communities of gospel-gripped people.
God has promised to be with you, whether things go well or badly.
How could a life-long atheist abandon evolutionary materialism and embrace the existence of God?
Stories about lost children explore our greatest fears. The big TV revelation this summer was an impressive Argentinean series produced by HBO called The Bronze Garden.
Dave Patty encourages parents and leaders to have ongoing conversations with teenagers, because “young people are under tremendous pressure”.
The denomination has hundreds of churches across the country. In a statement, they call Christians to model forgiveness and distance themselves from “those who attack others verbally, physically or intellectually”.
No-one can consider themselves too old to serve the Lord and others.
The rapid growth of popular Protestantism has heightened the concerns of the Roman Catholic hierarchies in this region of the world.
Former Google and Uber engineer Anthony Levandowski, founds Way of the Future, which aims “to create a deity based on artificial intelligence for the betterment of society”.
Five hundred years later, the Solas give us as followers of Jesus our identity. When people ask, “What makes you an evangelical?”, we can respond with the five solas.
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