He pays well; He always gives much more than we deserve.
Our grand truth arrives only with a definitive encounter: only when we meet our Creator.
How to avoid festive temptation.
Charles David Kelley, painter and president of Bridge Builders International, examines the convergence of art, culture, and faith from a Biblical perspective.
“Goodbye Christopher Robin” tells of the unavoidable distance between parents and their children, and the nostalgia for a lost home.
Each one will carry his own guilt before God; we won't be able to blame anyone else. What will you do then?
God wants us to fill our place in life, whatever it may be, and do our job well.
The day will come when there will be no confusion about the future.
A Pew Research report shows that Christian affiliation has declined in Western Europe, while substantial shares in Central and Eastern Europe believe in God and have greater religious commitment.
When we are expressing our dependence on and need of God, then it is our prayer that makes us most human!
Our dignity as people doen’t depend on the opinion of others, or how things are going.
If you want to search and know God, his church is crucial.
The first joint congress of missions of the World Assemblies of God Fellowship and the Pentecostal World Fellowship was held in Madrid.
If God is calling you to a responsible job, don't be afraid. He himself will fit you for it by his Spirit, and you'll do well.
Learn to rely on God at each moment, and so be faithful till the end.
He has named us his ambassadors on earth; as such, we should help others.
Are there witches or people practising magic today, or is it all one big hoax or delusion?
The human heart longs to worship. We are desperate for someone who will captivate our attention.
Five years later, the popular Canadian artist returns with a song about how she turned to God during “the battle of my life” against Lyme disease.
God chose to assume all risks and to give of himself sacrificially, so that we may glimpse what love is.
As it’s already past opening hours, I make a detour into the nearest town to find a late-night store.
You cannot say you are a follower of Jesus if your life does not show the gratitude that always characterised the Master.
Conflict is a form of communication of last resort, which, contrary to appearances, does not have to finish badly, but provides the opportunity to draw closer to the other person.
Only those who know they are completely powerless before God, and accept what God did for them, can be saved.
Only by the power of God will you manage to get what you have set out to do.
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