Dozens participated in an event in Madrid. “We must fight against violence from all spheres: social, political, legal, economic, cultural ... but we offer another way: Christ”, they said in a manifesto.
The fields around the Greek the refugee camp are “oversaturated”. Pau Abad, a volunteer on the ground, shares about the “hopelessness” of the hundreds of families who continue to arrive every week and will face “a very tough winter”.
Research in Spain fuels the political debate about limiting the power of the porn industry. Christian activists have long been alerting about the damaging effects on children and youth.
There have been 32 cases of femicide in Peru this year. The Minister of Women, Gloria Montenegro, joined 18 religious communities to tackle the problem.
“We want the sensitivity of an important part of the population to be translated into regulations that effectively attack this social scourge”, the Spanish Evangelical Alliance says.
“If we are Christ’s, we have no choice but to be alongside the weak”, Mukwege, who was also a member of IFES, said in a recent conference.
Yazidi activist and sexual slavery survivor, Nadia Murad, and Congolese gynaecologist, Denis Mukwege, won the Nobel Peace Prize.
“Something will change if you have hunger and thirst for justice”, sings Spanish artist Eva Betoret in a song about the refugee crisis.
“We want to be like that drop of water that pierces the rock, to break the harshness of a sexsist society", says Asun Quintana, Women Counselour of the Evangelical Council of Madrid.
“Church members should be active in society to defend and give refuge to the battered women”, says a group of evangelical professionals and church leaders.
Ioana Sandescu, Director of Prevention and Advocacy of eLiberare, answers the question.
Evangelicals in Madrid (Spain) called to fight the violence against women and showed their support for the victims and their families.
“Haitian believers will someday be the channel through which God will restore this country”. Miqueas Forster (GAiN Spain) just returned from a humanitarian trip to the country.
Kajsa Wahlberg: ‘Criminals are businessmen; they calculate profits, marketing factors and risks of getting caught before investing time and money into selling women in a particular place.’
A local project of Global Aid Network propels “Rojas Warriors”, giving children in social exclusion or without resources the chance of being a part of a basketball team.
Jesus left an established model only for those who are brave, be it men or women. A model for people who are not ready to fall into social trends propelled by discrimination or frustration.
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