How many times have we wondered why somebody who professes to love us so much -a relative, our spouse, our child, a friend or a colleague- treats us in a way that shows deep disrespect, indifference and selfishness -be it with their gestures, words, or attitudes?
Are we genuinely interested in seeing the person restored to a correct path, or are we taking the opportunity to put him or her down?
You think you've gone too far? Are you frightened of God? His arms are open wide, waiting for you! You'll not find a more secure and loving place.
“My faith in Jesus is everything”, said Seattle Seahawks quarterback Russell Wilson. “Winning without Jesus in my life would be a waste of time”, added his coach, Sherman Smith.
Man can proclaim the death of God but he cannot eliminate the 'thirst for God'. We find here the key answer to existential anxiety: our need for relationships is -and will always be- two-dimensional: with our fellow human beings, but also with our Creator.
Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were delivered from the king’s anger in a miraculous way, as are many Christians today. But thousands each year die for their faith, many more languish in prisons, are tortured, deprived of job and educational opportunities. This world is not worthy of them (Hebrews 11:38).
He, what He gives to us, how He gives it and His timing in doing so, is always enough.
Have you asked God which leaders in your country or your continent you should pray for? I am challenging myself as I write these words. The answer we receive may be surprising to us. And do you have confidence that your prayers will make a difference for those leaders?
Sometimes there is something we can do to get out of an uncomfortable situation. But often there is no easy way out, as in the case of, for example, bereavement, financial difficulties or relationship problems. Daniel found himself in precisely one of those no-way-out situations.
Alister McGrath thinks "people are realizing that New Atheism is very empty, shallow and aggressive".
Alister McGrath thinks "people are realizing New Atheism is very empty, very shallow, and very aggressive".
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