God doesn't ask us to do something out of the ordinary. That's his speciality. He doesn't expect you to go through life chasing miracles and wonders. He'll do them for you in the simplicity of each day.
A good part of what we do in front of the mirror and in front of others as well, is to put on makeup and cover-up whatever we’re unable to accept. Something similar happens in our day to day life as well, in front of the mirror of the Word.
It is clear that, to be able to grow, human beings need to be interdependent- be it within the family, the couple, friendships, work or hobby.
UK is less than 4 weeks away from their national election day. Evangelical Christians are offering all kind of resources to encourage believers to engage politically.
Would it make any sense to live out a biblical faith today in 2015 knowing that Jesus did not really rise?
Andrianik Teymourian is one of the best players in the country, the only Christian in the team. He is has now become Iran's captain.
What do you want to achieve in your life? What goal? What task? What accomplishment? That goal, task or accomplishment is one of the greatest temptations in your life.
Like Daniel, we hear (and read), but often do not understand. With him we ask, My Lord, what will the outcome of all this be?
Stephen Timms became a Christian in his teens, and his beliefs “have always been a source of great support and an inspiration” in his work.
The piece that doesn’t fit is called God and it gives meaning and perspective to all the other pieces.
Despotic rulers may do as they please, they may acquire great wealth and power; but they will all come to an end.
Why is it that Christians generally feel more of a compulsion to use their democratic franchise than others? And can this inform those who have lost hope in our democracy?
In Christianity, accessing a new way of life, the eternal life, implies swapping one type of slavery for another, although these types of slavery are worlds apart in form and intention.
He is God, and though he is constantly adapting himself to our weakness, he calls us to follow his agenda, rather than him following ours.
Have you ever had a promise from somebody, and you have waited so expectantly for the thing promised: a special present, a new relationship, a new job opportunity?
When we look at the brutal, authoritarian regimes which are persecuting Christians today, whether it is ISIL in Iraq, Syria and Libya, or Kim Jong-Un in North Korea, we do not need to fear or lose our confidence.
Trailer of the documentary about post-Christian Quebec ‘L’Heureux Naufrage’.
When I was a teenager in the 1960s I remember the widespread fear that communism would take over the world through the empire of the Soviet Union, which seemed so impregnable in its hostility to Christian faith. Yet in my own lifetime I have witnessed its collapse and disappearance.
God is constantly communicating with us. Are we ready to hear from him in any and every circumstance?
Four Christian psychologists analise what the movie tells us about the way we see romantic relationships nowadays.
Statistics say that every fifth resident has already made one suicide attempt. A Lutheran pastor gives some keys to understand the situation.
In this chapter we find Daniel an old man, probably in his 80s; but we find him as fervent as ever in his commitment to the Lord. What was his secret?
It’s my opinion that embracing the reality of an originator behind the not so uncommon miracles infinitely adds to our existence. Why would we watch life in black and white and on mute when we could watch it full coloured with stereo sound?
Young believers in Spain launch a campaign to share the gospel on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. “An integral faith includes communicating through social media”.
We recently moved house and a couple of apple trees in our garden bore good fruit this year but they had not been pruned for a long time. So a tree surgeon came and cut them right back. He told us that they may well not bear fruit in the next two years; but his pruning will give them 25 more years of fruitfulness. Times of pruning are necessary, but hard.
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