“Refugees need to learn the language, and how to survive in the society to which they arrived”, says Vimal Vimalasekaran, a former Tamil refugee. He now works among asylum seekers in Germany.
The Golden State Warriors leader is by far the best player of the league. His shoes have Philippians 4:13 written on the tongue. “I am a servant of God”, he said in his MVP acceptance speech last season.
I was reminded of Ishmael when recently I saw a homeless teenage boy being interviewed on TV. He explained that he was on the streets because his step-father had thrown him out of the house.
The Servant Queen and the King She Serves will mark Queen Elizabeth’s forthcoming 90th birthday and offers “rare insights into her personal thoughts and Christian faith.”
Monty Williams forgives the driver who killed his wife: “We cannot serve the Lord if we don't have a heart of forgiveness.”
Christians who consume porn distance themselves from God and fall into a vicious circle, says author and pastor Tim Chester.
God cares about those whose wings are broken and teaches them to fly.
After months of debates and polls, candidates Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz and Donald Trump face their first exam. In 2012, 60% of voters in Iowa identified themselves as evangelical Christians.
Like Hagar, Paul, and Jesus, we may sometimes need to take the way of powerlessness in order to experience the power of God in our lives.
Why Einstein’s theory of relativity is actually a powerful argument for absolute truth.
“Life”, by the Dutch director Anton Corbijn, is a film about James Dean’s tempestuous life, offering us a touching insight into his experience as an orphan.
Being in the background does not absolve us from living by faith. Indeed, it is often in background roles that God can most effectively develop our character and our faith.
So was Abraham a superhero? In fact, he started life rather unpromisingly as a refugee from Iraq (Ur of the Chaldees), settling in Turkey (Haran), then he became a nomad in Palestine, and lived for a time as a foreigner in Egypt.
Robinson Crusoe does not present historical facts but creates a powerful metaphor that continues to give pause for thought today.
Noah was prepared to engage in a 100-year building project on the basis of a warning from God about things that he had not seen and could not yet see.
He is one of the most influential musicians in Latin America, and a Christian believer. “Todo tiene su hora” (Everything has its time) earns Album of the Year award.
How contemporary Evangelicalism could benefit from going back to Protestant catechisms.
What are our hopes and aspirations for old age - if God allows us to reach that point in life? None of us can escape the ageing process: Outwardly we are wasting away, but inwardly we are being renewed day by day.
The heart of Charles Spurgeon's theology summed up in ten points.
“The righteous shall live by faith.” It represents the ultimate summary of the Reformation, as well as a synthesis of the Bible.
Only those who are full of the Spirit of God will have learned to wait for the right moment, to have patience and not become frustrated.
Finance is not a subject that gets dealt with much in church life or teaching, except perhaps occasionally in terms of personal debt and giving. Even less is said about how our Christian faith works out in practice when facing the challenges of running a business.
No longer is each day a struggle to work hard for Jesus, so that I can receive his approval. I know he accepts me because I have received his free gift of eternal life and grace.
Jesus felt the scorn of his own people. If this happened to the Lord Jesus, it shouldn't be surprising that it happens to us too.
When we react badly to a situation, do something that is wrong or mess up, how do we react? Cain’s example shows that we can either master sin, or we can let sin have us.
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