What is the attitude of the parties / candidates towards freedom of religion for all, including in public? How will they make sure that people of all faiths and none can live together as good neighbours?
A well-functioning Parliament is an important guarantor of a well-functioning European Union that knows its role and place.
Since no political party has a monopoly on truth and wisdom, Christians will vote in different ways. But, there is still huge value in praying and discussing together, asking for the Lord’s blessing and mercy.
The electoral campaign starts in 27 countries. “This is our opportunity to influence, through our prayers, questions and vote. Let’s not miss this chance”, says the European Evangelical Alliance.
Surveys show that integrity is highly sought after in many workplaces but few can confidently define it.
The body representing 23 million evangelical Christians reacts to the imprisonment of a Danish Jehovah Witness.
A summary of the thanksgiving service of the European Evangelical Alliance at the Chapel of Europe in Brussels.
The celebrations in Brussels included a roundtable on integration of Muslims in Europe and finished with a thanksgiving service at the Chapel of Europe.
“After the European election, we will work hard to identify the MEPs who have a heart for human dignity, human rights, and Freedom of Religion or Belief”, says the European Evangelical Alliance Brussels officer Arie de Pater.
An interview with Julia Doxat-Purser, the socio-political representative of the European Evangelical Alliance. “Our main working style in Brussels is behind the scenes and face to face influence, in personal conversations with the people who are shaping the ideas”.
On Wednesday, the European Evangelical Alliance celebrates 25 years of engagement in EU circles, after the opening of a Brussels socio-political office in 1994.
An interview with the socio-political representative of the European Evangelical Alliance about how evangelical Christians work at the heart of the European Union.
We should defend the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. For, if we do not stand up against their erosion or redefinition, we will be consenting by default to enormous injustice.
Bulgarian lawmakers concede some restrictions in a new Religion Denominations Act after international pressure and intensive protests. A new constraint however threatens the legal existence of many denominations.
The European Evangelical Alliance and the World Evangelical Alliance issue statements calling to stop a legislation that would give “huge and unnecessary powers to the Bulgarian State to interfere with faith communities”.
We need to be discerning as to the aspects of our nation and culture that can be affirmed by us, and those that must be challenged in the light of the character of God.
The influence of the Bible on political thought, speech and action is unparalleled, and has provided the foundations for modernity upon which has been built the liberal democracy that we enjoy in the West today.
Arts have been one of the threads of the first two days of the Hope for Europe conference, in Tallinn (Estonia).
Unity in Diversity is the theme of the conference. Representatives of Evangelical Alliances and many other church leaders gathered in Tallinn (Estonia).
Around 370 people from 37 countries gather in Estonia. “We need a revolution of hope”, one of the messages of the first night.
Four ideologies can become an intolerant and dangerous idol: secularisation, left-wing populism, nationalism and liberal values dogmatism.
About 600 evangelical leaders from across Europe are expected to attend the European Evangelical Alliance “Hope For Europe” conference in Estonia, in October.
The Brussels representative of the European Evangelical Alliance offers a Christian perspective on the crisis: “We can’t reduce people to just a number that needs to be controlled”.
The new #FoRBDefender movement stands in solidarity with people across the globe facing discrimination, oppression and violence because of their religion or belief (including non-belief).
Evangelical Christians will pray together in hundreds of cities across Europe. A prayer guide and a Bible reading plan for mobile devices is now available for everyone to download.
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