Volunteers working with the Christian association Valoare Plus set up support groups in secondary schools to mentor teenagers in risk of being trafficked for pornography and prostitution.
“Not only are low-cost, but they offer holistic health care for all individuals, and more importantly, they create community”, a study about the church’s impact on health and care says.
There is something deeply wrong with a society that rejoices so glibly over the killing of the unborn.
The no-confidence motion has passed with the support of 180 MPs. There was one abstention and 169 MPs voted against it.
Some of the ideas about mission and society shared at the #2018ELF conference in Poland.
The Mayoress of the city, Ada Colau, said: “This is an act of justice with Protestantism and with the city, which cannot deny that part of itself”.
Producers will help cover the costs of clean-up and waste management for items such as food and drinks containers. “Single use plastics are not a smart economic or environmental choice”, says the European Commission.
The moves could see the Confession being removed, replaced or changed in as little as 5 years - a significant development for the minority group of evangelicals who remain in Scotland’s national Kirk.
One in four Western Europeans say they are atheists, agnostics or have no particular religion, says a new Pew Research study conducted in 15 countries.
A court in Barcelona has enforced a prison sentence of 12 to 20 months along with returning the money scammed upon a pastor and his wife, and the commercial director of a Christian tv station.
Our thinking, attitude, behavior with regard to Islam in Europe should be guided by God’s self-giving love manifested at the cross of Golgotha.
Rationalism and its corresponding Protestant theology, Higher Criticism (or Historical Criticism), have created a theological and spiritual desert condemning European Protestantism to complete irrelevance.
Percy Buffard founded the Spanish Evangelical Mission in 1917. The square of Moral de Calatrava where the current evangelical church is, will bear his name.
In the referendum, 66% voted in favor of repealing the Eighth Amendment. Evangelicals and other groups of society will continue to defend the protection of unborn children as a Human Rights issue.
The goalkeeper of Real Madrid hopes to win his third Champions League on Saturday. “Christ gives me wisdom to keep my feet on the ground and be humble in moments of blessing and happiness”.
All the speakers of the event organised in the European Parliament emphasised the importance of implementing family-friendly policies.
The government says that Sweden is “amongst the least religious countries in the world”.
The annual gathering brought prople from across Europe to Wisla (Poland). To unite, equip and resource evangelicals is one of the aims of the European Leadership Forum conference.
The Equality Commission of the Spanish Parliament warns that the Bill discriminates against other groups in society. 38% of the articles of the draft law incur in legal contradictions.
Europe holds its breath as emerging parties M5S and Lega announce a government deal. Italian Evangelical Alliance leader Giacomo Ciccone sees a “widespread dissatisfaction” in society.
The European Commission launched the Online Citizens’ Consultation on May 9th. It is “addressed to all Europeans, asking them what direction they want the European Union to take in the future”.
About 800 people from most European countries are expected to gather in Poland for the annual gathering focused on re-evangelizing the continent.
“Choice is important and to be cherished, but we also have an obligation to protect those who are powerless and unable to make choices that directly affect their futures”, the Evangelical Alliance Ireland says.
Assiste suicide is supported by a larga majority of the Congress. In 2011, the Evangelical Medical Union sent a report on euthanasia to the government.
Google announced on May 9th that it would ban all advertising related to the Irish abortion referendum from its platforms.
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