Gypsies are one of the largest ethnic minority groups in Romania. According to 2013 estimates, the Roma groups make up 10% of the country's population, accounting for about 1.5 million people.
All political parties signed an “Institutional Declaration on the Evangelical Church” to celebrate the 150 years of continued presence.
The suspect has been arrested, while his motives still remain unclear. Local elections would go ahead as planned on Wednesday.
“Prostitution should never be considered a job”, the Foreign Ministries say in a joint document. Both countries have successfully adopted the ‘Nordic Model’ to fight sex trafficking.
Church planting, the amount of books authored by Spanish evangelicals and the growth of the Christian student movement in the last decades, are some of the marks underlined by Lindsay Brown.
The Synod of the Lutheran Evangelical Church approved that every local church will be able to decide about the blessing of homosexual unions.
Norman Tendis worked in Austria and was on the way to a UN conference in Nariobi as a representative of the World Council of Churches.
Unidentified people entered an Assemblies of God church in Angouleme on Friday night. They threw paint on the walls and Bibles, and damaged musical instruments and the sound system.
The government announces it will match donations to Tearfund for its project tackling plastic pollution in Pakistan.
A video on how evangelicals are planting churches in Strasbourg (France).
Spanish evangelical psychologists and teachers gathered to analyse the challenges of new technologies and the latest trends in sex education in schools.
“The disappearance of many species of insects could possibly be the beginning of the disappearance of our own species”, PhD in Biology Antonio Cruz, says.
Lindsay Brown: “The biblical pattern is not one of speed, but of steady sowing and gradual reaping in due course”.
Nearly a quarter of the voters cast their ballots by e-voting. The far-right party came third.
Paul Copan, Chair of Philosophy and Ethics at Palm Beach Atlantic University, analyses why people leave the faith, and how they find reasons to return.
The body representing 23 million evangelical Christians reacts to the imprisonment of a Danish Jehovah Witness.
The official figure of the government is 100,986 abortions in 2018. Criminal or medical indications were the cause of only 4% of the abortions.
“Christian history is often just a cultural decoration”, says German theologian Evi Rodemann in response to a Pew Research survey which confirms the rapid decline of Protestantism.
“All official school forms involving children must mention only Parent 1 and Parent 2” , the amendment passed by the National Assembly of France says.
Public proclamation and “attractive Christian communities” should go hand in hand. Missiologist Lindsay Brown illustrates it with practical examples.
The government of Emmanuel Macron is working on a modification of the religion law of 1905.
“Dear Bigots, you can’t spread your religious hate here. End of sermon”, read government-paid posters on public transport.
In an interview, Lindsay Brown analyses three challenges for the church in Europe and elsewhere and how they can be turned into opportunities for the gospel.
For the first time in the history of the country where the Reformation began, there are more Catholics than Protestants.
More than 40.000 signatures support an online petition in favour of a law that fights against mafias, penalises the customer of prostitution and protects women. “Spain is the third country of the world in consumption of prostitution”.
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