The gahtering of the Graduates Bible Groups in Spain challenged Christians professionals to share the beauty of the Christian faith with their coworkers - with excellence, respect and responsibility.
The inequality between East and West is still visible in issues such as migration and employment. “Christians need to get involved at all levels”, says Evi Rodemann of the Lausanne Movement Europe.
A letter was delivered to the ambassador “in favour of religious freedom in Algeria and in support of the evangelical churches in that country”.
“Our culture is looking for solutions that are not coming, because we are dealing with things of the heart. We need to reflect the hope that comes form God”, Peter Roskam says.
“The passion for unity is one vital way the church can serve the nation in the months and years ahead”, says Gavin Calver of the Evangelical Alliance.
It might be more helpful to talk about Europe in the plural, to accept that there are probably several different versions of Europe.
European Christians are called to pray from January 12-19. The prayer guide contains “biblical devotion and prayer points for each day”.
Inter-denominational contacts are on the rise in Russia.
The Brazilian FC Liverpool goalkeeper won the Yachine Trophy, as the best goalie of the year. “God is good”, he posted on Instagram with a photo with the award.
Jews say “a new poison has taken root in the Labour Party” while Muslims argue that “Islamophobia is endemic in the Conservative Party”. “May we be recognised as Jesus’ disciples”, the UK Evangelical Alliance says.
The Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs invites the evangelical entity to the summit. Spanish evangelicals organise a forum on climate change, COP25 and the challenges for the church.
The EU adopted a resolution which calls “for an end to violations against the freedom of Christians and other religious minorities to worship”
Brexit has had a reductionist and therefore dehumanising effect. It encourages us to see people as ‘The Other’.
Open Doors UK displayed 16,000 squares of fabric at Westminster Abbey, “to amplify the voices of persecuted Christian women and to have a lasting impact on UK government policy”.
Dozens participated in an event in Madrid. “We must fight against violence from all spheres: social, political, legal, economic, cultural ... but we offer another way: Christ”, they said in a manifesto.
Christians need to be more aware of the use of data concerning them, and of both the opportunities and risks associated with AI.
Jean-Luc Ziehli, President of the Swiss Evangelical Alliance (RES) will represent the Swiss evangelicals, who have been invited to the Council for a probationary period.
Revive Europe will include extensive times of prayer, worship, repentance, and study of Acts 1-5.
More than 10,000 people have attended “Life on stage” in Hamburg and Dresden. The mission week combines short musicals and evangelistic talks.
“Change the framework” gathers young people with different beliefs to talk about religious freedom and diversity.
Women have always advanced God mission through history. They are used by God to continue doing this today.
Representatives of Christian police associations share a project to prevent cases of suicide in the security forces with Polish and Spanish Members of the European Parliament.
Chick-fil-A, founded by a Baptist, now announces it will no longer support the Salvation Army and the Fellowship of Christian Athletes.
The book “Evangelicals in the new Era of Communication” addresses fake news, the use of social media, the handling of controversial issues and stereotypes about evangelicals, and the challenges of secular Europe.
A survey of Spanish Christian organization Decision shows that more than 160 evangelical leaders are concerned about the lack of evangelization vision and training of the churches.
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