We travelled nearly 7,000 km, through 15 nations with either a Muslim, Orthodox, Catholic or atheistic background. We encountered 9 currencies, 17 border crossings, and met 205 people.
The evangelical Ylli Doci is the chairman of the Interreligious Council of Albania. But why does the Albanian Evangelical Alliance commit time to this interreligious work?
The labour, the many donations and also the setbacks do not seem to have been in vain. A small Baptist union with less than 14,000 members is able to own this true gem.
The missionary vision of William Fetler led to starting the first Bible School in Riga. You can see this vision woven into the architecture of the fully renovated old building.
Both Ukrainian and Russian mothers have turned to magic and the occult and bought amulets, protection letters, special icons, to stave off evil forces and protect their sons fighting in the war.
Samuil Petrovski speaks about the vitality of churches, the recent presidential election, and what Serbia learnt about reconciliation after the 90s war.
Traditional values shared by many Christians, the threat of the nearby war in Ukraine, and a sense of protection of the country from outside influences are some of the reasons, say two Hungarian evangelical leaders.
The Kyiv Slavic Evangelical Seminary in Kyiv has confirmed his body was found in the city where Russian troops have been accused of war crimes against civilians.
Viktor Orbán faces a united opposition coalition in the parliamentary vote of 3 April. The war in Ukraine has strongly shaped the campaign. Serbia also holds elections.
After more than five hours of driving, we reach our destination in Rivne: a warehouse that has been rented by a network of Protestant churches. Three dozen young people are waiting for us to unload the aid.
How can we make sure that aid will be useful for Ukrainian refugees? Miqueas Forster of GAiN Spain answers this and other questions.
The muted voices of the church in Europe were heard more prominently in Lausanne Europe 20/21 than at any other European evangelical gathering, but we still have work to do.
“Almost every church in Moldova is doing something, there is pain not fear”, says a Christian worker in Moldova. A Finnish journalist: “We have 1,300 km of common border, battles with Russia are deep in our nation’s memory”.
(UPDATED) Evangelical platforms in Europe offer channels to support ministries in Ukraine and the bordering countries receiving refugees.
Putin’s messianic pretensions as saviour of Russian civilisation have deep religious and historical roots. Yet our western secular world tends to filter out religion and pre-Enlightenment history as irrelevant.
Hundreds of thousands protest in major European cities against Russia’s invasion. All EU countries agree receiving asylum seekers for at least three years.
European Evangelical Alliance prays for “those who have the power to save lives”. Russian Evangelical Alliance asks Putin to choose “peacemaking initiatives”. Christian radio in Odessa expects to be shut down.
Putin sends troops into the Ukrainian territory after the Russian parliament recognises the ‘oblasts’ of Donetsk and Luhansk as independent territories. Europe responds with financial sanctions. Evangelicals pray for wisdom for the next days.
An interview with Vlady Raichinov (Bulgaria) and Marc Jost (Switzerland).
In Ukraine, prayer gatherings multiply in the face of “stress and fear”. In Russia, evangelical leaders call for mediation.
Albania might become a success story of Christian mission using schools as a tool to build a church strong enough to support itself and work for the kingdom of God.
“Those who are already stuck on either side of the border must receive urgent and adequate humanitarian aid”, says the evangelical body as it appeals to “Europe's Judaeo-Christian values of human dignity, justice, compassion and solidarity”.
“I really wanted to have my years of ministry funneling into outreach and this non-profit work that I had just come to love so much at the Eastern European Mission”, says James Mead.
The Russian Evangelical Alliance calls to “restore the peaceful relations between the peoples of both countries”. Churches in Ukraine encouraged to “pray and fast for the peace in our land”.
LGBT groups speak of a “dark” moment for human rights, but evangelicals see it as a “protection” for families and children.
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