We are our own worst enemy when we follow only our own desires.
Mission is a threshold experience, but not only in the sense of crossing difficult borders and plunging into foreign cultures.
The mother of five fled in 2015 after her husband was killed.
Don't fill your heart with envy; fix your eyes on Jesus, the only One we need to look at in any situation.
John Stott loved and commended to the global church the mission of bringing Christ to the world.
Hard-line Hindus seek to revoke registration of Christian charities, as a well-strategized plan to show Christians in a bad light.
God tells us in the Bible that He will never forget what we give to others.
The US Commission on International Religious Freedom annual report denounces that “the pandemic fostered misinformation targeting religious minorities”.
The Cypriot Christos Stylianides has experience in the field of human aid. The EU confirmed the position ten months after announcing the appointment.
Church leader in southwest India loses hearing in one ear.
Around 1.7 million seafarers work on board 85,000 merchant ships worldwide. The Seamen’s Christian Friends Society seeks ways to care for believers and bring the gospel to the maritime community.
The danger to the Christian community has increased after the coup in February. Churches keep serving their neighbours and sharing the gospel.
God has given us the best map to guide us on our way: the Bible.
“Do we deserve to live and die like this in our own country?”, a relative of a killed Christian student asks. Nigeria led the world in number of kidnapped Christians last year with 990.
Only Christianity argues that God exists, is knowable, and is relational. This helps us analyze other religions in a new way, and it does so along Trinitarian lines.
A biblical case for employing those with disabilities.
Some Christians are at the forefront of this tribalisation of politics, creating a polarisation of views and eroding the middle ground on which many believers used to stand.
Milagros Aguayo was number two on the Lima list of the Renovación Popular party for the Congress. “The gospel is a tool to participate in the public life”, she says.
Prince Philip died at the age of 99. “He was extremely interested in theology”. Many religious leaders showed their condolences and highlighted his faith.
The nurses were accused of “defiling the Koran”. A Muslim co-worker attacked one of them with a knife.
In an online event organised by the FOCL, the Italian evangelical theologian will address issues such as the doctrines of the Catholic Church and the influence of Pope Francis.
Some of the ethical concerns for Christians surrounding NRTs may not be wholly dissimilar to those faced by Abraham and Sarah.
The pope's speech in his recent trip to Iraq undermines the Christian “scandal”, according to which Jesus Christ is the only way to the Father.
In the Bible we see people like us who were tempted to give in, but were restored by God.
“The stones were thrown from neighbouring courtyards” , the pastor explains. The church has been attacked before, as other churches in nearby areas.
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