The Christian brothers have been in jail since 2014, accused of creating a blog with blasphemous material, after “a shoddy investigation and evidence”, said the lawyers.
The ministry of hospitality brings comfort, peace and hope to the heart, mind and soul of those who have been uprooted.
Friendship, encouragement, and gratitude are words that should go together... within the church especially.
‘Industrials for Christ' brings together professionals and amateurs from the construction sector to reform Christian facilities and to help unbelievers know Christ better.
John Stevens leads the FIEC, one of the church groups escaping the negative trend: “The gospel alone is God’s power for salvation, it is not surprising that faithful churches are growing”.
ECPM now has four MEPs and brings together around 20 political parties. “We explicitly promote Christian values in politics”, says its President.
The power of God is sufficient to overcome any enemy, any temptation, any bad habit.
Being around Christians and using Christian language is not enough. Without a vital personal relationship with Christ, they are merely running on the fumes of Christianity.
The book provides a searching and honest analysis of the deep challenges faced by the church today, and a clear and hopeful vision for where we go next.
We are aware of spiritual things, and know the consequences of them, but we cannot see them.
A historical sketch of the Nature-Grace interdependance (II)
All of us have an outstanding talent scout. Someone who was able to give all he had in this world, even His own life, because of His love for us.
Being kind to others is the proof that our character is becoming more and more like that of Christ.
The proposal passed with 274 votes in favour and 136 against. It states that no minister will be forced to participate. Opponents said the decision “is not biblical”.
We can be caught up all too easily in the frantic rush and busyness of life. There is a better way, His way, through which He gives us opportunities to rest in Him and just ‘be’.
Ten Christian schools were examined to see if they are affected by religious elements. The goverment proposed to ban new denominational schools, but many associations reject it.
Refugee work must not deenergize Christians, the opposite is true, done properly it will lead to a deeper experience and generate more energy.
The Bill aims to allow assisted suicide for those over 75 who do not qualify to apply for euthanasia. “Government has a duty to protect its citizens”, Council says.
We should invest time every day in learning our foundations, pick up the Word of God every day and read it..
The Talking Jesus report shows that non-Christians like Christians but not the church. It analyses how people come to faith and the conversations about Jesus between Christians and unbelievers.
The hybrid State of Europe Forum’s theme ‘Seeking shalom’ (Paris), was addressed in three bi-lingual plenary sessions, seekingto ‘understand the times’ and ‘to know what God’s people should do’.
Next time you are in church, pray and look beside you; it could be that God has placed someone right there to help you.
The Talking Jesus research analyses “the evangelism landscape in the UK today”. 42% say they are non-practising Christians and 16% identify as agnostics or atheists.
They were accused of “unauthorized worship”. The court has upheld the sentence of six months in prison but reduced the fine by half.
The ongoing impact of Jesus’ explosion of life continues to reverberate in this world of death.
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