An event on the Manipur violence in India organised by the World Evangelical Alliance at the UN in Geneva gets worldwide attention.
When we recognise our weakness at the foot of that cross, we are the strongest people in the world.
Dutch Christian MEP, Bert-Jan Ruissen has organised the exposition. “The EU has a moral duty to credibly protect freedom of religion”, he said in the opening.
Several groups in neighbouring Spain have set up channels to give. Christians in Morocco join the efforts to support survivors.
The European Parliament building, with its circular auditorium for parliamentary gatherings, is built right over the Maalbeek-swamp. Recently the building was discovered to be sinking –about one centimetre each year.
Looking for God's will always carries with it the condition of obeying Him at any cost.
I decided to get proactive about joy this year. I would work at an enjoyable pace, revising my to-do list whenever joy started to ebb.
A month after the attack on a Christian colony in Faisalabad, Imran, a Pakistani Christian, analyses the situation on the ground. “Churches fear a repetition”, he says.
Extortion and violence are on the rise, especially in Port-au-Prince, which is suffering a gang war. Christians from several churches and ministries ask for prayer and help.
If you want to win: pray,keep an intimate and direct relationship with God and avoid evil.
This year, a scholarship rate is available for evangelical leaders from Western Europe. The event in Poland, unites, equips, and resources hundreds of evangelical leaders in the continent.
Assailants ordered the pastor of a Presbyterian church in Kukranwala to recite the Islamic creed before shooting him.
Whatever happens, Christ is the one who gives us power and helps us to achieve a goal.
Christian leaders in Nigeria believe herdsmen attacks on Christian communities are inspired by their desire to forcefully take over Christians’ lands and impose Islam.
The nature of the body of Christ indicates that you need to receive from the gifting of others, for they are gifted to build you up.
Fifty people gathered to pray for Pakistan The Italian Evangelical Alliance asks authorities to “implement effective measures to ensure the safety of Christian minorities”.
The Christian athlete won the gold medal at the World Championships in Hungary, the first Dominican woman to win in that category.
The Christian community as a whole needs to awaken to the intensity and pace at which secular intolerance is progressing.
The contrast of the Old Testament’s Cherem wars with the Quran’s ideology of Jihad is striking. This will help understand the current debate in Sweden – and elsewhere.
The United Nations has designated August 22 each year as its International Day Commemorating Victims of Acts of Violence Based on Religion or Belief. Like most such days, it gets minimal attention.
“The mobs not only burned and looted our churches and homes, they also vandalized our graveyard and the office of the assistant commissioner, who is also a Christian”, sources in Jaranwala said.
Take anxiety and worries seriously. It’s easy to put their concerns off, or to convince ourselves that ‘they will be fine’.
Preach to present Christ. Offer Christ rather than a program for self-improvement. Invite people to know and to love Him.
If we are not capable of giving, we have not learned what loving means.
Let’s take to heart the strength of Jesus’ conclusion to his famous Sermon on the Mount for ourselves and for others.
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