Efraim Tendero (World Evangelical Alliance) and Jaume Llenas (Spanish Evangelical Alliance) agree in their disapproval of ecumenism and emphasise mission: “If we stop sharing the gospel, we stop being evangelical Christians”. A second report from the 2016 Italian Evangelical Alliance assembly.
The way in which Catholicism perceives time - the sense of definitiveness as well as that of a progression - is a solid indicator of its basic theological framework.
How John Owen can help us steer clear from the danger of apostasy.
The majority of Italian evangelicals are in favour of co-belligerence, but clearly dismiss ecumenism. A first report of the Italian Evangelical Alliance assembly, in Rome (8-9 April).
Five evangelical families declined to pay the quota for the Roman Catholic patron saint celebration, and the local authorities cut off their water supply. Several organisations confirm rising trend of persecution in rural Mexico.
Professor Pietro Bolognesi and Italian Evangelical Alliance vice-president Leonardo de Chirico sahre their views ahead of the meeting which will discuss Roman Catholic-Evangelical relationships.
WEA’s Secretary General Efraim Tendero and Pentecostal pastor with personal friendship with Pope Francis Giovanni Traettino, among those invited to share their views in the assembly of the Italian Evangelical Alliance.
Survey finds only 20% identify with Church of Scotland. 15% are Catholics, and 11% other Christians.
It is one thing is to work together on areas of common concern in society, e.g. the promotion of Judeo-Christian values in society; it is an altogether different issue to engage in common mission and evangelism.
An 8% believe in a god but do not identify with a specific religion. 25% believe in reincarnation and 21% in miracles performed by healers. Newspaper l'Unità published the survey.
In terms of the Protestant evaluation of Roman Catholicism, Barth’s theology of the Word has weakened the evangelical ability to assess Rome having the Bible as supreme standard.
The Evangelical Alliance estimates there are more than 40,000 churches in Guatemala, 96 evangelical churches for each Roman Catholic parish.
According to the Pope, mercy achieves justice by avoiding tribunals, sentences, and prices to be paid.
Five reasons why I cannot pray to the Virgin Mary.
10 biblical reasons why I cannot be a Roman Catholic.
Building Christian unity on baptism brings several challenges. In my corner of the world (Italy), a vast majority of people have been baptized and yet very few show any sign of appreciation of basic gospel truths.
Catholic and Lutheran leaders will commemorate the Protestant Reformation in Lund, Sweden, on October 31. “Risk of elevating unity to the absolute principle”, evangelical Vatican expert warns.
There is the risk of elevating “unity” to the absolute principle, a little “god” claiming pre-eminence. It takes courage to make unity dependent on the Biblical truths and not elevating it to the place of “first imperative”.
The Pope seems to think that the “letter” is a straitjacket to the mission of the Church and needs to be replaced by the “spirit” of it.
How contemporary Evangelicalism could benefit from going back to Protestant catechisms.
Spain is still coming to terms with the dictator’s legacy. “Our parents and grandparents resisted the political persecution and harassment”, recall evangelicals. Many were incarcereted.
National “Youth Study” interviews population aged 12 to 25. In contrast with Christians, 75% of young Muslims see their faith in Allah as a priority.
The discussion on the Anti-Christ must be revived and worked out with biblical soberness and historical awareness.
Evangelicals have to do their homework in order to go beyond the surface of mere phonetics in order to grasp the profoundly different theological vision underpinning Francis’ language.
Evangelicals insist that it is God who forgives sins, not the Church. Theologian Leonardo de Chirico: “It is a liberal move with a medieval tool”.
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