Because we have been made in the image of a relational God, connection with each other is woven into the fabric of our being, making tears in that fabric so painful.
In seven brief utterances, Jesus proclaimed the most profound sermon that has ever been preached, a beautiful synopsis of the gospel.
The last time I preached the whole Bible in a single message, what text proved pivotal? It came from Leviticus.
It is on the cross that the character of Christ reaches its greatest splendour. During the hours of deepest darkness, his words shine like radiant gold.
If God has given everything for us, then surely He deserves that we give Him all of ourselves in return.
Charles Spurgeon's powerful message upon Matthew 27:46.
Key doctrines that characterize the church’s preaching during seasons of revival.
According to the Pope, mercy achieves justice by avoiding tribunals, sentences, and prices to be paid.
An outline of the five key differences between Calvinism and Arminianism.
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