At first glance, it seems that both those who see the Bible as final authority, and those who see it as a valuable myth, have much to share. Yet, upon closer observation, the foundations for their beliefs are worlds apart.
The official report includes a guide with the most common mistakes and proposals to avoid them.
A report shows that Australians have a good perception of Christians and are willing to have spiritual conversations, but also see Christianity as a bad influence in some areas.
According to a major survey, evangelicals are 37% of the population, Roman Catholics, 33%. 29% said they are unaffiliated believers and 1% identify as non-believers.
A survey interviewed 25,000 teenagers in 26 countries. “It’s rare that teens think poorly of Jesus. The global impression of Jesus is that he is trustworthy, generous, wise, peaceful”, the authors say.
Neo-paganist and humanist movements find their place as a reaction to Christianity. Migrants have changed the landscape of a country in which most are still registered as Lutherans.
The Talking Jesus research analyses “the evangelism landscape in the UK today”. 42% say they are non-practising Christians and 16% identify as agnostics or atheists.
A report of the Social and Cultural Planning Office shows that only 33% say they believe in God. But “believers experience more meaningfulness than non-believers”.
The Catholic population in the city has decreased over 35% in 20 years, according to official data. In four districts there are already more other Christian churches than Catholic temples.
A Pew Research survey finds that a large majority of Americans believes in the existence of hell. Only four in ten Catholics and Protestants believe the Christian faith is the only way.
A Pew Research survey shows that 47% of religiously unaffiliated adults have experienced any form of online harassment. It happens most among those under the age of 30.
“The way young people form bonds, make meaning, and live out their values is constantly changing. This is the most diverse generation that has ever existed”, concludes a survey conducted in the US.
The population that identifies as non-religious has grown by about 10% in Morocco, a survey says. Disillusionment and a waning trust in religious leaders are among the main reasons.
Only 2 in 10 Spaniards are practicing Catholics, according to official statistics. Half of young people identify as either Atheists, Agnostics or indifferent.
Several universities has launched the study ‘Understanding Unbelief’.“Atheists and agnostics endorse the realities of objective moral values at similar rates to the general populations”.
A Pew Research report shows that Christian affiliation has declined in Western Europe, while substantial shares in Central and Eastern Europe believe in God and have greater religious commitment.
The influence of the Bible on political thought, speech and action is unparalleled, and has provided the foundations for modernity upon which has been built the liberal democracy that we enjoy in the West today.
The number of Britons who identify as Church of England has halved in fifteen years. Only 2% of those aged 18-24 identify with it.
Half of the respondents in the UK had a positive experience of Christians. The survey coincides with the launch of Faitheism, a book by Krish Kandiah.
A call to use the Bible correctly.
Large report shows that only 17% of Americans are white evangelical Protestant. Baptists are the largest denomination, and most of religiously unaffiliated citizens identify as secular.
“It is very important to communicate with those we are going to defend, otherwise, we can hurt them, or put them in jeopardy”, says Hans Gravaas of the Stefanus Alliance International.
The “British Social Attitudes” survey shows that 53% of the British describe themselves as ‘non-religious’. The decline in religious affiliation is hitting the Church of England particularly hard.
The number of Finns who say they believe in the God of Christianity has increased from 27% to 33% in four years. “People are thinking about their relation to the Church”, researcher Kimmo Ketola says.
Why do some people refuse to believe in God?
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