“We cannot let 800 years of worship and service fail on our watch", says the Church of England.
The proposal did not pass with 65 votes against, 62 in favour and one abstention. Since 2017, abortion is legal in Chile in cases of rape or danger for the life of the mother and the child.
It has very large green leaves, scattered throughout the plant, with a rib system that resembles the fingers of the human hand. That is how it got the name “Palma Christi”.
There are thousands of policy influencers in the Brussels Bubble. It could definitely do with some Biblical truth and wisdom. Thank God we are not alone in this, but it can still feel quite overwhelming at times.
The trial against the Christian parliamentarian charged with “ethnic agitation” against homosexuals will start in January.
The law is expected to be passed in the next weeks. Evangelical churches express their total opposition.
After other predators have consumed the soft parts of their prey, the bonebreakers arrive to feast on the skeleton. They are capable of swallowing and digesting 20 cm long pieces of bone.
The German state opened the festivities of the year dedicated to the translation of the New Testament on Reformation day under the motto “Translating the World”.
The draft law will not be presented to Parliament, because the “environment to formulate it is unfavourable” and it “clashes with Islamic Sharia”, says the Religious Affairs Minister.
The killing of Conservative MP Sir David Amess “has been declared as a terrorist incident”, said the Metropolitan's Counter Terrorism Command. A suspect is being interrogated.
The new electoral code frees churches and candidates from charges of religious abuse of power that have caused many politicians to lose their mandates.
The rise of the Greens and the Liberals makes them essential to reach a coalition deal.
There has been a growing awareness of the need for a journal that could serve Spanish-speaking regions, such as Latin America, Spain, and Equatorial Guinea.
Around 80 people attended the Prayer Day Encounter held in Bern’s Bundeshaus. The event included speeches and a joint lunch.
He knows we are sinful when He calls us. He has a far greater work for us to do and knows that He will need to do great work in us.
Britten’s direct inspiration was the regal music called Zadok the Priest and the text is based on the opening chapter of I Kings, verses 39 & 40.
The European Parliament discussed sexual and reproductive health and rights. An analysis by the European Evangelical Alliance representative in Brussels.
The ammendment to the PCSC Bill was withdrawn after being debated in the Parliament. “UK politicians should be backing moves to lower the legal limit for abortion, not raise it”, says Christian organisation.
Last-minute extreme attempts to allow abortion up to birth. The proposed New Clause 55 is an extreme effort to extend individual autonomy at the expense of caring for both women and their babies.
What are your reasons to be anxious or worried today? Identify them and make a translation: turn them into prayer requests.
The document was published only two days after a similar blacklist in Argentina. Targeted groups include the European Christian Political Movement and ADF.
The government welcomes the “depathologisation“ of transgender people. Critics denounce legal uncertainties, a harmful approach to children, and the “erasure“ of women.
The European Evangelical Alliance had called to reject the report: “Abortion is about the life of the woman but also about the life of the unborn child. Both lives matter”.
“Why not come and listen to Jesus, I have heard amazing things about Him, maybe He will make you feel better”.
In Genesis the first six days of creation can be divided into two groups of three days through which God overcomes the “formless” and “void”.
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