The resolution also asks the EU to establish a permanent special representative for Freedom of Religion and Belief.
“This is the closest language to mean ‘genocide’ without using that terminology”, says EEA representative in Brussels Christel Lamère Ngnambi.
The discoveries were made by the CSNTM. The oldest manuscript dates from the 7th century. More than 90 New Testament texts have been found since 2002.
In order to worship, it is necessary to truly understand who we are and who the God of all ages is, over and above what He does for us.
Like Hagar, Paul, and Jesus, we may sometimes need to take the way of powerlessness in order to experience the power of God in our lives.
Being in the background does not absolve us from living by faith. Indeed, it is often in background roles that God can most effectively develop our character and our faith.
So was Abraham a superhero? In fact, he started life rather unpromisingly as a refugee from Iraq (Ur of the Chaldees), settling in Turkey (Haran), then he became a nomad in Palestine, and lived for a time as a foreigner in Egypt.
Emergent parties Podemos (left) and Ciudadanos (centre-right) get one in three votes. No clear government for the first time in democracy.
EU officials, politicians and diplomats met in Brussels for the 2015 European Prayer Breakfast. The aim of the 370 participants, to “gather together around the person of Jesus Christ” and pray for the issues the continent faces.
A closer look at one of Jesus' problematic grandmothers.
Noah was prepared to engage in a 100-year building project on the basis of a warning from God about things that he had not seen and could not yet see.
What are our hopes and aspirations for old age - if God allows us to reach that point in life? None of us can escape the ageing process: Outwardly we are wasting away, but inwardly we are being renewed day by day.
There are 61 languages with complete Bibles. Readers in English, Spanish and French have many more options than those living in Eastern European countries.
Many Europeans are living like squatters in a house built on biblical concepts and revelation yet denying their debt to such foundations.
No longer is each day a struggle to work hard for Jesus, so that I can receive his approval. I know he accepts me because I have received his free gift of eternal life and grace.
The Saudi blogger sentenced to 10 years in prison and 1,000 lashes for insulting Muslim clerics has won the European Union’s Sakharov prize for human rights.
Austrian Interior Minister Johanna Mikl-Leitner said the fence will be meant to ensure controlled, orderly entry into Austria, not to keep migrants out altogether.
Refugee flows on the Balkans route, cooperation with Turkey and talks with African countries, as well as the funds needed to tackle these challenges, have been debated .
Brazil is the country where more Bibles were distributed. The figures rise significantly in conflict countries like Syria and Ukraine.
There are at least 100,000 people still practising polygamy in US. Doris Hansen is the director of a Christian ministry that helps women to escape from polygamist groups.
When we react badly to a situation, do something that is wrong or mess up, how do we react? Cain’s example shows that we can either master sin, or we can let sin have us.
Students and graduates interested in politics were invited to the first Youth European Prayer Breakfast held in Brussels. “We cannot leave our faith at the door when going into politics.”
Abel was the first martyr for his faith; and his example, together with the words of Scripture, tells us that those who are killed for the sake of Christ do not lose their lives in vain.
There can come a point when levels of indebtedness are so high that efforts to pay in full will be counter-productive.
God has given every one of us certain privileges, abilities and gifts. What are we going to do with them?
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