In the last EU Council meeting of the year the Member States have been unwilling to address the refugee crisis and the four points Cameron asks in order for the UK to stay in the Union.
The results of the Spanish elections demand a deep change in the way of understanding politics.
Emergent parties Podemos (left) and Ciudadanos (centre-right) get one in three votes. No clear government for the first time in democracy.
In the midst of Welsh government Faith Tourism Action Plan, Welsh pentecostals ask them to do more to protect , commemorate, and celebrate this heritage
The cultural context of universities in Bulgaria, Netherlands, Czech Republic, Spain and Denmark is very different. But Christian student movements agree on one thing: non-believers discover the Christian faith through deep personal relationships with believers:
New parties Ciudadanos and Podemos share their views about religious freedom and minorities. They would end the privileges of the Roman Catholic Church.
EU officials, politicians and diplomats met in Brussels for the 2015 European Prayer Breakfast. The aim of the 370 participants, to “gather together around the person of Jesus Christ” and pray for the issues the continent faces.
The Spanish Evangelical Alliance, like in previous elections, has prepared a document to help Christians to “vote wisely” next December 20th .
EU leaders and Turkish Prime Minister Davutoglu have agreed on a 3-billion-Euro aid deal to stem the crisis. Talks on Turkey's EU membership process will be relaunched.
Dutch theologian Stefan Paas on learning from the “exile” and “diaspora” mindsets. “In the process of secularization everything else falls away: cultural pride, power of numbers, even money, position, status. The only thing you’re left with is Scripture and God.”
Three days of metro lockdown and public forces operations in the capital of Europe. An assessment on the situation of a city invaded by soldiers and journalists (and social media users).
Spain is still coming to terms with the dictator’s legacy. “Our parents and grandparents resisted the political persecution and harassment”, recall evangelicals. Many were incarcereted.
An updated ACAPS report shows that Croatia, Slovenia and Serbia are receiving more than 6,000 new people every day. “Access to healthcare and psycho-social support” should be a priority.
More money than expected raised for the “Homes for refugees” campaign in Switzerland. The Swiss Evangelical Alliance announces they have hired a person to coordinate the action.
Russia’s attack comes after admitting plane was downed by a bomb. Mogherini: “France has been attacked, so the whole of Europe has been attacked.” Children go back to school in Paris.
Condolences and support from the Netherlands, Spain and Austria. The World Evangelical Alliance encourages churches worldwide to pray for “healing and wisdom.”
G20 countries discuss next steps in a meeting in Turkey. 120,000 people left Syria since the beginning of October. Juncker: “Those who perpetrated the attacks are the very same people who the refugees are fleeing.”
The summary of a key week in the migrant crisis: The European leaders met in Malta while member states continue their individual efforts to deal with the refugee flow... and Mr. Cameron sent a letter.
“Eight brothers, wrapped in explosive belts and armed with machine rifles, targeted sites”, the terrorist group said in a statement. One attacker has been identified.
Paris in shock after simultaneous terrorist attacks. 128 killed and 180 wounded. President Hollande says it was an “act of war” and blames Daesh (IS). French evangelicals, in a statement: “We will not give way to panic and hate.”
“A jeep pulled up and 30 guys with assault rifles showed up”, a Pentecostal pastor explains in a video report produced by Vice News. Rebel soldiers occupy Protestant churches in Donetsk and impose Orthodox religion.
The church in Oberhausen has temporary removed altars and pulpits, “just to make the Muslim migrants feel at home.” They will provide free shelter, meals and laundry. In Greece, an Orthodox church has been turned into a small hospital.
The distribution of literature by three Baptist Christians could be considered a picket.
Eleven members of the Belgian branch of the group and two affiliated organisations have gone on trial accused of fraud, extortion and running a criminal organisation.
“Don't let David Cameron turn you into an extremist”, the unusual coalition of campaigners says. They hope to stop plans to introduce Extremism Disruption Orders (EDOs) in the UK.
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