Catholic weddings decreased by 50% and baptisms by more than 30% in the last ten years. The public funding of the Roman Catholic Church increased by 3,4%, despite the generalised budget cuts.
The festival in Falkirk was organised in partnership with about 200 churches.
The popularity of the powerful President is falling strongly. “None of the parties have mentioned religious freedom” in the campaign, says Turkish Protestant Pastor Ihsan Özbek.
The 630 people from 32 nationalities were received by interpreters, psychologists and medical doctors. Women in danger of being trafficked will receive special support.
The owners of the Christian television broadcaster from the UK say they are ready to defend their rights in the courts.
Italy and Malta had refused to take the humanitarian ship in. New Spanish government offers Valencia as a safe harbour.
The government accuses the Muslim leaders of promoting radical Islamism and Turkish nationalism. The 2015 Islam law will banned foreign funding of mosques.
“Europe is perhaps the greatest challenge for Christian mission today”, says the planning team of the gathering to be held in Germany in 2020.
Volunteers working with the Christian association Valoare Plus set up support groups in secondary schools to mentor teenagers in risk of being trafficked for pornography and prostitution.
The no-confidence motion has passed with the support of 180 MPs. There was one abstention and 169 MPs voted against it.
The moves could see the Confession being removed, replaced or changed in as little as 5 years - a significant development for the minority group of evangelicals who remain in Scotland’s national Kirk.
One in four Western Europeans say they are atheists, agnostics or have no particular religion, says a new Pew Research study conducted in 15 countries.
In 2018, the number of migrants trying to reach the country by sea has increased by more than a third.
In the referendum, 66% voted in favor of repealing the Eighth Amendment. Evangelicals and other groups of society will continue to defend the protection of unborn children as a Human Rights issue.
The Equality Commission of the Spanish Parliament warns that the Bill discriminates against other groups in society. 38% of the articles of the draft law incur in legal contradictions.
Europe holds its breath as emerging parties M5S and Lega announce a government deal. Italian Evangelical Alliance leader Giacomo Ciccone sees a “widespread dissatisfaction” in society.
About 800 people from most European countries are expected to gather in Poland for the annual gathering focused on re-evangelizing the continent.
“Choice is important and to be cherished, but we also have an obligation to protect those who are powerless and unable to make choices that directly affect their futures”, the Evangelical Alliance Ireland says.
Nearly 50,000 people live in the Faroe Islands, an archipelago of 18 islands 990 kilometres away from Denmark.
The sentence says churches can only demand confessional allegiance when the job profile made it “significant, legal and justified”. In Germany, churches and their affiliated institutions are the second largest employer.
A secret witness accused the US pastor in Izmir of supporting the Kurdish PKK movement. Three witnesses submitted by the defense were not allowed to testify.
The network of Christian ministries working for the inclusion of people with disabilities celebrated its tenth European gathering in Riga (Latvia) with the participation of 12 countries.
Three Spanish pastors analyse the definitive disbandment of ETA. “We have to renounce the worldly discourse of epic revenge and sit down with people to rebuild relationships”.
The Basque terrorist group announces its disbandment in Geneva. 853 people were killed and thousands injured in the Basque Country and the rest of Spain since 1968.
The Minister President of Bavaria plans to hang the Christian symbol in every state building by June. Catholics mainly oppose the decision as well.
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