Evangelicals in Dublin condemn the riots of last week. Christians must make a difference as debates around housing prices and migration increase social division, says the leader of the Evangelical Alliance Ireland.
The victory of the Freedom Party shocks the European scenario. While traditional Christian parties suffer losses, “it is no secret that some believers love Wilders”, says journalist Evert Van Vlastuin.
Does the friendly image of the member of the Parliament hide an ultra-conservative woman full of hatred?
“I am grateful to God. It is a privilege to defend freedom of speech”, the Christian politician says after an unanimous decision of the three judges.
Unlike in most of the rest of Europe, there are no evangelicals in Spain who distance themselves from Protestantism. Why?
A survey in France shows that 76% of evangelicals know of Bible passages related to environmental care. Jean-François Mouhot (A Rocha) sees “a generational change in the churches”.
Valencia fills the Ateneo Mercantil to celebrate the Protestant Reformation. Conducted in Valencian and Spanish, the event was broadcast for the first time by the regional public television.
In France, evangelical Christians are more engaged than others in ecological matters. But some are also suspicious about ideological trends, a survey has found. We asked Jean-François Mouhot, director of A Rocha, about creation care, theology and churches.
Evangelical Christians express disappointment as Prime Minister Rishi Sunak goes ahead with plans that could “criminalise ordinary Christian ministry that seeks to help believers”.
Listen to the interview with the new chairman of the World Assemblies of God Fellowship, elected at the global congress held in Madrid in October 2023.
The new chairman of the World Assemblies of God Fellowship, Dominic Yeo from Singapore, spoke to Evangelical Focus. “We have to expect discipleship happening in our churches, and the next generation becoming church planters”.
In the days of the Assemblies of God World Congress, all kinds of conversations took place on the fringes of the programme. Like the stories of Oleksandr from Israel and Emmanuel from Nigeria.
4,300 participants from all over the world attended the World Congress of the largest Pentecostal denomination. Reaching new generations and church planting, major goals. A report from the Madrid Arena.
The Italian Evangelical Alliance says the “Together 2023” event with Pope Francis and other heads of Christian confessions was “crossing a line”. They demand “a public discussion of the whole of World Evangelical Alliance’s constituency” on ecumenism.
Oxford LGBT students publish a blacklist of “homophobic” churches in the city, most of them evangelical. It is a clear example of how Christian congregations are coming under pressure for teaching the Bible to their members.
‘Torrents de vie’ organises camps to help people struggling with their sexual orientation. The Equality Minister condemns what she describes as “homophobia and transphobia on display”.
Christians are against desecrating holy books, says Olof Edsinger, leader of the Swedish Evangelical Alliance. But “something is terribly wrong when totalitarian regimes are trying to force us to abandon our hard-won human rights”, he adds.
Researcher Margunn Serigstad Dahle analyses the cultural debates around the global entertainment company. “The Disney universe’s commitment to individualism is increasingly becoming marked by expressive individualism”.
The leader of the Evangelical Alliance in Greece asks to “pray for our government to take the needed steps and pass the right laws in order to protect both the beautiful environment of our country, and the people and their property”.
The outcome of the Spanish general election reflects a huge divide in the country. The “collective mentality of Spaniards” must change, says X. Manuel Suárez of the Evangelical Alliance.
An interview with Argentinian climate scientist Fernando Primo Forgioni, a committed Christian. “My generation was the last to be brought up with conceptions of an infinite world in which environmental problems were a secondary issue”.
In June, thousands of young Christians in France were challenged to courageously let their faith shine for others to see. One month later, riots erupted in many cities.
Matthieu Sanders, a pastor in Paris, analyses the background of the riots in France. “Pray that the French church would be equipped for effective witness and peacemaking in an often tense national climate”.
Meanwhile, the parliament opts to define marriage as a union between a man and a woman. A journalist in Prague analyses the positions of evangelical Christians.
Janet Sewell has written a MA dissertation on how this new technology intersects with the mission of the church. “Let’s not forget that God's message has practically always been mediated”, she says.
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