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‘Made in Spain’ conference 2024 looked for synergies to send missionaries to other nations

Over 100 missionaries and leaders of Christian organisations joined an online event addressing the challenges of bringing the Gospel to other countries.

FUENTES Protestante Digital AUTOR 429/Christian_Giordano,5/Evangelical_Focus 17 DE ABRIL DE 2024 10:17 h
A church following the Missions Made in Spain conference. / Photo: Daniel Hofkamp, [link]Protestante Digital[/link].

The Made in Spain gathering 2024, organised by the Spanish Missions platform, was held on 6 April and brought together one hundred participants.

This platform born out of the Spanish Evangelical Alliance works on three levels. A large online national meeting every 2 or 3 years (Made in Spain); in person gatherings in cities organised jointly with the regional pastors' fraternities (Misión Exprés); and eight thematic, collaborative roundtables, which work throughout the year.

The first Missions Made in Spain was organised in February 2021 and the name, Made in Spain, reflects the idea that Spain is not only a recipient but also a sending country for missionaries.

It is an online meeting open to anyone interested in missionary work in and from Spain. This time, the participants were mostly from Spain, but some from other parts of the world.

The three hours of programme were structured in three blocks. A roundtable of biblical and missionary reflection called The great why of missions. A presentation of the reports of the eight round tables and small discussion groups. And finally, the presentation of Misión Exprés as a chance for more Spanish cities to reflect on mission in the months ahead.

[photo_footer] Participants at the 'Made in Spain' missions gathering in April 2024. [/photo_footer] 



The round table of biblical and missionary reflection included the participation of Carlos Madrigal, a missionary in Turkey for almost forty years, who, in simple and clear theological language, described God as a missionary.

“From the beginning, God has called the human being (“Where are you?”) and sent Jesus Christ - the prototype missionary- to a hostile world”, he said.

Rosa Barrachina, pastor and president of the Missions working group of the Spanish Evangelical Alliance, focusing on the current reality of the Spanish evangelical church, pointed out that God has a church for his mission and described several of the advances and needs.

Finally, Jaume Llenas, national coordinator of the Lausanne-Spain Movement and Graduate Bible Groups (GBG) , broadened the missionary perspective while bringing it closer to the local church, which “is a training agency for missionaries”, he stated in his presentation called Missionaries for every place; missionaries for every area of society.

The sessions were followed by a discussion time in small groups.


Research and challenges

The second block opened with a video summary of what the Spanish Mission platform is and what is already doing.

Afterwards, the eight working groups presented their reports on topics such as financial support, orientation for missionaries coming to Spain, mobilisation of the Spanish church for cross-cultural mission, or research.

The Research working group took some extra time explaining the details of a survey which attempts to identify all missionaries sent out from Spain and the churches and/or organisations involved.

The data received so far shows that 65% of the local churches support or send out cross-cultural missionaries.

The specialised mission training roundtables also presented their reports on missiology; strategic fields and prayer for the persecuted church; and integral care of missionaries.

Finally, the third block presented Misión Exprés, the local and face-to-face programme carried out by the Platform in collaboration with the pastors' fraternities in each city or area.

These local events on mission have been held in Lugo, Valladolid, Valencia and Bilbao, which provided some testimonies.


A dance floor

The Spanish Mission platform was born at the beginning of 2021 as a meeting place for multiple ministries and individuals, open to anyone who wants to contribute to God's mission from Spain.

It is part of the Spanish Evangelical Alliance, and is organic in its structure.

Its aim is to mobilise, equip, contribute to dialogue and missionary reflection, and foster unity and collaboration of all churches and organisations that are sending missionaries from Spain.

There are two characteristics that make this platform unique among the different forms of missionary associations.

First, it has put competition aside in order to work collaboratively, without fear or misgivings. The result is that the product is greater than the sum of its parts (seeking synergy between the actors).

The second characteristic is harmony between nationals and foreigners, between individuals and organisations, between agencies, churches and denominations.

"We like to explain it with the image of a dance: the Platform is the dance floor where all involved dance, with joy, diversity and harmony, the dance of God's mission", organisers said.


70 connected... and 40 more young people from Córdoba

In a meeting mainly for ministry leaders, pastors and missionaries from Spain and elsewhere, there was a singular participant. The Renacer (Revival) evangelical church of Malaga was holding a retreat for young adults that same Saturday, and the organisation saw it as an opportunity to connect to follow the testimonies that were shared.

The missionary vision among the young people is especially being promoted in this church. At the retreat, the issue of mission in the workplace was discussed, considering that the difference between sacred and secular often limits our scope of witness.

Another of their mission initiatives is a summer camp specifically focused on preparation for mission, which includes a trip to another country. This year it is being planned for July, with the idea of going to Morocco or Turkey.

Through those initiatives, young people are not only spectators of the mission or see it as something far away from them, but they find a space where they can develop their gifts and get involved in the great mission of bringing the gospel to the world.


[title]One more year[/title]


[text]At Evangelical Focus, we have a sustainability challenge ahead. We invite you to join those across Europe and beyond who are committed with our mission. Together, we will ensure the continuity of Evangelical Focus and Protestante Digital (Spanish) in 2024.

Learn all about our #OneMoreYearEF campaign here (English).





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