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Missionary entities lay the foundations for working together in Spain

"Collaborative work is essential to fulfill the mission", says Rosa Barrachina after more than one hundred missionary entities and agencies participated in the event Missions Made In Spain.

FUENTES Protestante Digital AUTOR 5/Evangelical_Focus TRADUCTOR Brenda Anderson MADRID 15 DE FEBRERO DE 2021 16:15 h
Some of the Participants of the Event “Misiones Made In Spain.” / Spanish Evangelical Alliance

The Misiones Made in Spain ('Missions Made in Spain') online meeting brought together more than 300 participants who connected to share a time of communion, training and planning focused on mission.

The event on 6 February included presentations by Spanish missionaries in various parts of the world, as well as reflections by entities committed to seeking synergies in the path of bringing the Gospel.

According to the Spanish Evangelical Alliance, the event was attended by people from all 17 Spanish regions as well as from 16 other countries (Germany, Andorra, Argentina, Colombia, Chile, Ecuador, Spain, United States, Great Britain (Northern Ireland), Mexico, Norway, Netherlands, Peru, Puerto Rico, Portugal, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Venezuela), representing 106 missionary entities and agencies.



"'Missions Made in Spain' was born out of friendships, great conversations, decisions and action", says Rosa Barrachina, chair of the Spanish Evangelical Alliance's missions working group. "Organizations that have relationships as a priority are excellent, working together they can create more than they could alone. Collaborative work is essential for mission fulfillment", she added in assessing the spirit shared on the day.

"It's not every day that you get to participate in an activity that is pioneering and has the potential to initiate a paradigm shift in a nation," said Guille Eddy of Operation Barnabas. "I believe that what transpired on Saturday, February 7, 2021 at the Missions Made in Spain conference has that potential to change the self-image of the Spanish church as a mere recipient of God's missionary action to seeing itself as part of God's Missio Dei through cross-cultural missions. Many have been praying for this paradigm shift to happen".

Dadonim Vila, of Spanish Humanitarian Relief, congratulated that "the evangelical church in Spain is making its missionary work visible, establishing collaborative links and developing a Kingdom mentality. We celebrate the vision of the Spanish Evangelical Alliance in this endeavor".

"I give infinite thanks to God for sending me to serve and to join in with others in Spain at this particular time. This was part of God's answer to the prayers of those who prayed and pray to the Lord of the harvest to send laborers to gather it," added Warry Nunez of Movida Ministries.

Ronaldo Anderson, coordinator of the La Plaza (The Square) church planting movement, appreciated "the spirit of collaboration in which it was organized and the spirit of rejoicing in which it was received. Rejoicing, prayer, tears of joy, prophetic proclamation, unit... It was the first time I have seen the Spirit of God penetrate a virtual meeting in this way".

"What a beauty and joy to participate at this meeting table marked by the desire to glorify the Name of our God and to embrace His Mission together, for alone we will not be able to fulfill the great calling and vocation He has given us! Let us continue to dance on this relationship platform for the glory of our God from the ends of the earth to the ends of the earth," said Zaza Lima of PMI.

"It is time to walk in unity in the midst of diversity; let´s do it!," considered Ana Giménez, president of Aglow Spain. "In the conclusion of Jaume Llenas, he read John 7:53: 'and each one went to his own house'. I pray that it is not a reality that each one continues in his own plot, but that we see fruit from this event and together continue to bring the Kingdom to Spain and to the nations."


Platform on the move

The activity has served as a space where we can gain knowledge and promote synergy between entities and missionaries working in many different areas.  This is what Jaume Llenas, coordinator of the Lausanne Movement in Spain, explained. "The best outcome is what has begun now through the relationships and strategic agreements that began forming last Saturday. This mission’s movement allows agreements between organizations, discovering similar areas of interest in God's call, an awakening of local churches to their vocation, etc. In Missions Made in Spain the music began to play and the dance floor was laid, now the time has come to find the dance partners".

The Missions group of the Spanish Evangelical Alliance has detailed some of the next steps. On the one hand, work is being done to gather information on entities and people involved in mission in Spain and from Spain, so that coordination and contact can be made.

Another aim is to create a platform that will promote collaboration and catalyze synergies. In addition, a proposal was made to hold a similar event on an annual basis.

More information can be found in the Spanish Evangelical Alliance Missions website (Spanish).




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