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Ukraine: “Our people and churches are united as never before”

An evangelical journalist living in Kyiv explains how they are experiencing the invasion. The biggest help, she says, is "prayer" and "not be silent" about what they are suffering.

FUENTES Protestante Digital AUTOR 16/Daniel_Hofkamp,5/Evangelical_Focus KIEV 03 DE MARZO DE 2022 09:20 h
A residential building hit by a Russian army attack in Kyiv. / [link]FEBC[/link]

Staying in Ukraine or leaving the country has been a decision that hundreds of thousands of people are facing these days.

Tanya Pinchuk, a broadcaster for the Christian radio station Radio M, has decided to stay in Kyiv and help in any way she can. These days she has been sharing her experience of the invasion on social media.

After spending some nights in a bomb shelter, Tanya continues to help with specific needs, such as finding medical care for a woman who has just given birth, food and shelter for those who are becoming homeless due to the attacks, or urgent transport for those who need it.

The station where she works is part of the media partners of Far East Broadcasting Company (FEBC), “an interdenominational ministry, whose sole purpose is to share the Good News of Jesus Christ to the world through radio, the internet and emerging technologies".

The ministry has confirmed that all its workers are well, although some are very exposed in conflict areas.

Radio M is collaborating with a network of emergency call centres, receiving thousands of calls from people asking for prayer or support in different situations.

Spanish news website Protestante Digital has interviewed her in these difficult moments.


Question. How are you living the situation right now?

Answer. I continue to stay in Kyiv, although it is very dangerous. I organize cars, food, help for those in need and friends from home, I connect people with each other, since we do not have the opportunity to move around Kyiv easily.

Q. You continue broadcasting from Radio M, have you faced danger or threats for that?

A. Yes, we continue to broadcast from Chernivtsi. We keep in touch with our listeners, praying for them, supporting them. Christian consultants of the Line of Trust also work for us. We receive hundreds of calls, because people cannot cope with panic, depression and stress.

Q. What is your short-term perspective on the war?

A. We do not know what will happen next, Kyiv is enduring, but some cities are completely destroyed. Our people and churches are united as never before.

Q. What do you think would be the most appropriate way to help from a distance?

A. The most important help is prayer, and that people will not be silent about us all over the world, so that funds and finances can be raised.


Q. How could we pray for you?

A. I thank God there are no strategic facilities in our area and it's calm here. May God give me wisdom on how to move forward. I need wisdom.




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