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Christian literature reaches thousands at the Bogotá international book fair

“Taking the Christian bookshop into the centre of the commercial scene is commendable”, says Christian bookstore CLC. Over 600,000 people attended the fair.

FUENTES Evangélico Digital AUTOR 5/Evangelical_Focus BOGOTÁ 10 DE MAYO DE 2023 14:31 h
One of CLC Colombia's two stands at the International Book Fair in Bogotá. / [link]Twitter CLC Colombia[/link]

Over 600,000 visitors attended the Bogotá International Book Fair (FILBo) during 15 days of activities between 18 April and 2 May, according to the management of the book fair, the Colombian Book Chamber.

Of those, 210,000 participated in the 2,000 activities planned for the FILBo, and deals worth 4,680,000 US dollars were signed in over 700 business meetings in the international business fair, .

FILBo began in 1988, as a joint initiative of Corferias and the Colombian Chamber of Books. Since then, it has hosted a wide range of events, from exhibitions to launches and autograph signings, as well as press conferences, talks, music, dance, theatre and other cultural events.

[photo_footer]The 2023 Bogota International Book Fair drew thousands of visitors / Twitter Filbo2023 [/photo_footer] 


Christian literature in the FILBo

CLC (Christian Literature Centres) Colombia participated in the FILBo under the theme, “books that radiate light and change lives”.

The Christian bookstore, which has attended the fair for 25 years, had two stands located at strategic points of the exhibition, presenting a compilation of titles for the edification of all types of public.

For CLC, “taking the Christian bookstore out of its comfort zone and into the centre of the commercial scene is a commendable task, because this type of exhibition reaches thousands of people who are not used to visiting places related to spirituality”.


Latin American Christian literature

Christian literature in Latin America has a long history and a significant impact.

Since the arrival of Spanish missionaries in the 16th century, Christian literature has been used as a tool for evangelisation and spiritual training. In the following centuries, many religious works were published in Spanish and Portuguese, including Bibles, devotionals and theological works.

In the 20th century, Christian literature in Latin America experienced a boom, with the local publication of works by world-class authors such as Watchman Nee, Corrie Ten Boom, Oswald Chambers and John Stott.

Many Christian publishing companies were also established in the region, such as Editorial Vida in Argentina, Editorial Caribe in Colombia and Casa Bautista de Publicaciones in Mexico.

In recent decades, Christian literature in Latin America has continued to grow, with the publication of works by Latin American authors that address issues relevant to the region, such as evangelism in urban and rural contexts.

Furthermore, Christian publishers in the region have expanded their offerings to include a variety of literary genres, from novels and poetry to biographies.

The renowned Latin American theologian and historian Justo L. González once said: “Latin American Christian literature has been a mirror that reflects the reality of the region. From colonial times to the present, Christian writers have sought to express faith in a context marked by oppression, poverty and injustice. Through their works, they have challenged the status-quo and inspired generations to fight for justice and freedom”.

Christian literature has been and continues to be an important part of the cultural landscape in Latin America, offering a wide range of works that seek to inspire, teach and spiritually edify readers.




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