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Breaking the chains of shame

Precious and Beloved speaks to Muslim women worldwide about their worth and value. The goal is to have 52 scripts translated into over 20 languages.

RADIO, MEDIA & MISSIONS AUTOR 350/Jade_Alger 24 DE ABRIL DE 2023 09:30 h
TWR Women of Hope’s newest audio program, Precious and Beloved, helps women step into their true identity as daughters of the King. / Photo: IMB.org

TWR Women of Hope educates, encourages, and equips women to fulfill God’s purposes for them. The namesake program, Women of Hope, began 25 years ago and has grown to include 73-plus languages.

Now, more programs have been developed to meet particular social and spiritual needs. For instance, Healing Voice provides counsel to Ethiopian women who are shamed or isolated for reasons beyond their control.

And Hidden Treasures presents the endless love of God to those devastated by sexual exploitation.

Over 110,000 faithful intercessors gather monthly in 125 countries to pray for TWR Women of Hope ministries. A bi-monthly, global prayer calendar with specific prayer needs for each day of the week is available to download here.

And God is answering these prayers as women from various cultural, economic, and religious backgrounds discover their God-given purpose. TWR Women of Hope is igniting a spiritual hunger in the hearts of women who once struggled to see a way forward.


Journey to freedom

Precious and Beloved  is the newest project from TWR Women of Hope. Designed for women from a Muslim background, the audio series will include 52 episodes to help women break the shackles of shame so they can live as beloved daughters of the King.

As women are freed from the shame and guilt imposed on them by society or religion, they can live out their true identities in Christ—loved unconditionally, precious, accepted, and empowered to walk victoriously.

In Jesus’ time, women weren’t allowed to converse with men in the streets. Think of how the disciples reacted when they saw Jesus interacting with the woman at the well (John 4:27).

They were surprised to find him talking with the woman, but Jesus operated based on kingdom values rather than on worldly principles, treating both sexes with dignity.

“When you share how Jesus related to women in the Bible, it gives Iranian women so much hope because they don’t have any rights or identity in Islam,” said TWR’s Farsi ministry director.

Through the Precious and Beloved audio series, listeners address their inner struggles until they are set free with the realization of who they truly are. To see themselves the way God sees them.

The program’s writer explains, “I’m a precious and beloved daughter of the King, which makes me a princess and royalty, regardless of where I come from, who my family is, my social status, my religious background, or what I do in life. I have great value and I was bought with a high price—the blood of Jesus.”

[photo_footer]  Despite intense spiritual warfare, the Precious and Beloved scriptwriter continues to create episodes that will transform lives for Christ. / Photo: IMB.org [/photo_footer] 


Creating the scripts

The first 13 Precious and Beloved scripts are now available in English. Topics include loss, beauty and outward appearance, distrust, motherhood, jealousy, womanhood, worry and anxiety, and friendship.

Episodes are interspersed with Scripture, poetry, listener stories, and testimonies, keeping the content varied and engaging.

But the creation of the scripts hasn’t come without difficulty. The scriptwriter knows that Satan wants her to give up. She knows she has an enemy who is trying to silence her.

In her words, “Can God accomplish his plans without you? Yes. But he asks you to participate in his plans because it strengthens your faith. Writing these scripts for Precious and Beloved has been one of the most difficult and challenging experiences I’ve ever had. Every day, I’m tempted to quit. My health was at stake, my psyche, my family… attacks from the enemy continue in an unbelievable way because the devil knows how these scripts will transform the lives of women by God’s grace.”

So far, translations of the first 13 scripts are either complete or in process for Japanese, Korean, Serbian, and Arabic languages.

And the next set of languages planned for translation include Farsi, Kurdish, Swahili, and Macedonian to name a few.

Workshops to train production teams have begun. The first took place in Cyprus last year, with another planned for 2023 in Türkiye. TWR Women of Hope coordinators from Asia, Africa, and Europe have already caught the vision and are implementing the scripts into their local ministries.

The goal is to have the final 52 episodes of Precious and Beloved translated into over 20 languages.

“As people who work in Christian media, God has given each of us a job,” said the program’s writer. “How many souls can be spared in the culture we live in today when we choose to step up and serve, even if it involves sacrifice?

Jade Alger, writer and communications specialist for TWR Europe and CAMENA. 




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