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Protestante Digital


8 years of Evangelical Focus

504,836 users visited this website in 2022. We are thankful for your trust, financial support and prayers. 

EDITORIAL AUTOR 5/Evangelical_Focus MADRID 09 DE ENERO DE 2023 09:46 h
Many receive the daily Evangelical Focus newsletter with the newest stories and opinion articles from a Christian perspective in Europe. / Photo: Evangelical Focus

One week into the new year and it is time again for us at Evangelical Focus to look back and celebrate another year online.

On 8 January 2015 we first launched this news project based in Europe. Our aim was to report about current issues in our continent with refreshing evangelical perspectives.

We seek to find Christians making a difference in church and culture in their context, and report stories that would go unnoticed otherwise.

Eight years later, we are thankful as we look back to 2022. Exactly 504,836 users have landed on our site. With over 760,000 seen pages (clicks) it was our second best year after the ‘explosion’ of online interactions caused by the pandemic in 2020.

People from every country in the world entered at some point in 2022, our Google Analytics statistics show.

In Europe, this is how countries ranked according to their visits to Evangelical Focus:

- United Kingdom

- Norway

- Portugal

- Germany

- Spain

- Netherlands

- Sweden

- Czechia

- France

- Italy

In the rest of the world, Evangelical Focus was most frequently visited in the USA, Canada, Australia, India, Philippines, South Africa and Nigeria.

Discover the most-read stories of 2022 and a selection of 10 interviews we recommend.


All those contributing to Evangelical Focus

Nevertheless, what encourages us most at Evangelical Focus is the wide range of people who contribute to our platform. Since our launch, 341 authors have shared their views through opinion columns and analysis articles. Their perspectives help generate a plural conversation about how Christians interact with the world they live in.

Over these 8 years, our news, opinion and multimedia contents have slowly built an archive now offering almost 20,000 published contents.


Use our contents, support our work

As we dive into 2023, we want to say a special thank you to all those who have decided to financially support this project whose survival and growth depends on it.

With a small team and a very limited budget, we are reaching thousands of people worldwide, spreading stories that are worth knowing and presenting an evangelical approach to current affairs.

But whether this model can be sustainable depends, above all, on the involvement of readers. More and more media in Europe are implementing a paywall for almost all their content.

That is why we invite you to support us financially through donations that allow us to keep Evangelical Focus as it is now: free, open, accessible and with appropriate and non-invasive advertising. Here we explain how you can make Evangelical Focus stronger. If you need more information about how to give, just and emaill to office[at]

With encouragement and our hope in God, we look to 2023, praying that we can continue to do journalism that serves God’s mission in our Europe and beyond.

Over 800 people are subscribed to our daily and weekly newsletters. You can also follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Telegram





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ESTAS EN: - - - 8 years of Evangelical Focus
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Síguenos en YouTube y en Vimeo

MIEMBRO DE: Evangelical European Alliance (EEA) y World Evangelical Alliance (WEA)

Las opiniones vertidas por nuestros colaboradores se realizan a nivel personal, pudiendo coincidir o no con la postura de la dirección de Protestante Digital.