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Distinguish details

In the sermon, remember that some details need no more than a passing comment, while others are critical and central to the passage.

BIBLICAL PREACHING AUTOR 108/Peter_Mead 19 DE MAYO DE 2022 09:45 h
Photo: [link]Aldana Fernandez[/link], Unsplash CC0.

One of the big differences between preparation and presentation relates to details.

Every preaching text is made up of numerous details: nouns, verbs, adjectives, participles, grammatical notables, other Bible quotations, allusions, etc.

It doesn’t matter what kind of text you are preaching, the building blocks of that text are details.


Sermon preparation

When we prepare a sermon we should be like detectives with those details.

Every detail is important and needs to be handled appropriately. We want to make sense of each detail in its context. What is there? What is missing? How do they work together?

Our focus alternates between details and the big picture in and beyond the text. And as we study, it will become clear that there are some key details that carry significant weight in the passage.

Every detail matters, but there are always some heavy lifters in a passage that we have to really wrestle with in order to grasp the meaning of the text.

We have to work with all of them to figure out which ones are weightier, and then those weightier few should consume our energy for a season of preparation.


Sermon presentation

When we present a sermon we are restricted in time and purpose.

Our purpose is not to present every avenue of inquiry that consumed us at our study desk. Our purpose is not to download all of our acquired knowledge in a rapid-fire data dump.

Our purpose is tied to our main idea and its application in the lives of our listeners.

So for the sake of time and focus, we cut out unnecessary explanation of textual details. This is why it is vital that we identify the heavy lifting details in a passage – those that are necessary to feel the force of the text.

As I have put it in the classroom, it is unlikely that the seven “ands” in the passage are the key detail to present.

So, in the study, diligently analyze the details. In the sermon, remember that some details need no more than a passing comment, while others might even be clarified simply by our tone in the reading.

Other details, however, are critical and central to the passage. These call us to highlight them, clarify them, and make sure that our listeners feel the force that they exert within the passage to make it unique in meaning and unique in its potential life impact.

Peter Mead is mentor at Cor Deo and author of several books. This article first appeared on his blog Biblical Preaching. 



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